
Annual Symposium

Traditionally, the symposium was held in Baton Rouge. Beginning in November 2007, the symposium was held in conjunction with the annual in Tampa, Fla.

Various materials presented in previous symposiums are available online.

Presentations are available upon request except for 2007.


Joe Mullin
Current oil spill response research being conducted at OHMSETT

James Bonner
Investigation of the fate of dispersed oil in aquatic systems

Rob Cunningham
Derivation of an elevation tagged shoreline (land/ water interface) from LOSCO/FEMA LIDAR data in the Louisiana coastal zone

John Snead
Development of a pipeline GIS for the State of Louisiana

Irv Mendelssohn
In-situ burning for oil spill remediation in wetlands

Jim Myers
Continuation of in-situ burning for oil spill remediation in wetlands

Qianxin Lin
The completion of a comprehensive investigation of pioneer plant species and oil stress indicators for successful restoration and remediation of oil-impacted wetlands

Chuck Wilson
Training the next generation of first responders

John Conover
Dispersants: an electronic bibliography on effectiveness, technological advances, and toxicological effects

Kenneth Lee
Wave tank studies on dispersant effectiveness as a function of energy dissipation rate and particle size distribution

Carter Ohlmann
Recent advances in surface current trajectory forecasting using coastal ocean observations

George Parsons
Valuing Beach Closures in Damage Assessment: An Application to the Texas Gulf Coast

Deborah Dardis
GIS in the classroom: professional development for middle and secondary teachers


Bourgoyne D.
Training and Research for Blow-out Prevention Utilizing a Full-Scale Well Facility

Braud D., Cunningham R., Evers E., Kemp P., Hyfield E.
Elevation Tagged Vector Shoreline Derived from LIDAR Data

Camille M.
A Pipeline GIS for North Louisiana

Leffler J. A., Vavrek M.C.
Pioneering Plants to Remediate Oil Brine Spills

Lin Q., Mendelssohn I.A.
Determination of Diesel Oil Tolerance of Coastal Dominant Marsh Plants for Restoration and Remediation of the Oil-Impacted Habitats

Paulsell R.
Research and Development of a GIS of Petrochemical Transmission Pipelines Between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana

Snead J.
Field Investigation and Digital Mapping of Pipeline Crossing of the Coastal Zone Navigation Channels in Louisiana

Stone G., Braud D., Zhand X.
Interactive GIS WAVCIS Products for Oil Spill Contingency

Vavrek M. , Hunt H.
Development of an Oil Brine Spill Restoration Plan: Preliminary Work


Darryl Bourgoyne
Training and Research for Blow-out Prevention Utilizing a Full-scale Well Facility

Michael Camille
A Pipeline GIS for Caddo and Bossier Parishes

Barrett Clark, Wes Colgan, Milan Vavrek, Howard Hunt
Pioneering Plants After Oil Spill: An Inventory

Qianxin Lin, Irving Mendelssohn
Determination of Crude Oil Tolerance Limits of Coastal Dominant Marsh Plants for Restoration and Remediation of Oil-Impacted Habitats

Ehab Messelhe, Emad Habib, Ahmed Gaweesh, Alonso Griborio, James Stronach
Oil and Chemical Contingency Plan for the Lower Mississippi River

Edward B. Overton, Buffy Ashton
Preliminary Evaluation of Natural Dispersion and the Effects of Turbidity on Diesel Fuels Spilled in an Aquatic Environment

Robert Paulsell, Weiwen Feng
Research and Development of a Geographical Information System of Petrochemical Transmission Pipelines Within the Lafayette, Louisiana Vicinity

John Snead
Field Investigation and Digital Mapping of Pipeline Crossing of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Louisiana

Greg Stone, Xiongping Zhang
Wave-Current Online Information System for Oil Spill Contingency Planning

Milan Vavrek, H. Hunt, D. Vavrek, W. Colgan
Development of an Oil Brine Spill Restoration Plan: Preliminary Work and Conference


Michael Camille, Gary L. Stringer
A Pipeline GIS for Monroe and Shreveport (Year 2)

Kenneth Carney, M. Scott Miles, Buffy M. Ashton
Quantitative In Situ Fluorometry: A Quantitative Analysis?

Wes Colgan, Milan Vavrek, Barrett Clark
Field Applications of AM Fungi for Restoration of Oil Brine Spill Sites

Qianxin Lin, Irving Mendelssohn
Dispersant Effects on Salt Marsh Plants: Toxicity Evaluation and Oil Remediation

Ehab Messelhe, Emad Habib, Tzvetlena Peeva, Caroline Mader
Oil and Chemical Contingency Plan for the Lower Mississippi River

Robert Paulsell, Weiwen Feng, John Snead
Research and Development of a Geographical Information System of Petrochemical Transmission Pipelines Within Westlake and Lake Charles, LA

John Snead, Robert Pausell, Weiwen Feng
Field Investigation and Digital Mapping of Pipeline Crossing of the Ouachita/Black River System

Greg Stone, Xiongping Zhang
Wave-Current Online Information System for Oil Spill Contingency Planning

M. Vavrek, H. Hunt, D. Vavrek, W. Colgan, W. Campbell
Development of an Oil Brine Spill Restoration Plan: Preliminary Work

Karen Westphal
Aerial Video Survey of Both Banks of the Mississippi River in Louisiana on DVDs