Educational/Industry Tools
The following educational programs are available upon request.
However, they were created under previous versions of Microsoft Windows and may not
function properly.
Oil Spill Awareness through Geoscience Education (OSAGE)/ 100 Years of Oil and Gas
The goal of OSAGE was to develop a relevant and comprehensive curriculum that teaches essential concepts of oil spill awareness that integrate into middle and high school earth and environmental science courses. Sub-themes relating to the core curriculum included: materials manufactured from petroleum and petroleum by-products, tools and technology for drilling, production and transportation of oil, and economic and legislative factors which have influenced and been affected by the oil field.
Atlas: The Louisiana Statewide GIS
Geospatial data for the state of Louisiana. Includes geotiff images; flood data; downloadable DEMs, DRGs and DOQQs, LIDAR data.
Louisiana Geographic Information Center (LAGIC)
Established to facilitate the distribution of geographic information, provide technical assistance and support GIS data development among state, federal and local government.
Trajectory Model for the Lake Calcasieu Region
With a few mouse clicks, users can see the probability that any oil spill will reach a specific segment of shoreline. The program analyzes statistics from potential spill trajectories generated by an oil spill trajectory model. The spill model predicts how an oil spill will spread and move within a local area.
Louisiana GIS Digital Map – Compilation DVD Set
The Louisiana GIS Digital map is a compilation of publicly available geospatial data for oil spill prevention, contingency planning, response and natural resource assessment. The DVD set is a collection of geospatial data suitable for use in geographic information system (GIS) software. Users must have GIS software to access, display and use the data. However, ArcReader – a free GIS viewer – is included on the discs. To order a set of discs e-mail or visit .