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Medical & Health Physics


Federally Mandated Disclosures

 The following information is disclosed in accordance with requirements of the US  Government.

Degrees:  “MS in Medical Physics and Health Physics (Medical Physics Option)”, “PhD in Physics (Medical Physics)”, and “Post-Doctoral Certificate Program”

  • Provide a list of all states for which the program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for professional licensure;
    TX, NY, HI, and FL.  In addition, PA and MA are targeting future licensure.
  • Provide a list of all states for which the program’s curriculum does not meet the educational requirements for professional licensure; and
  • Provide a list of all states for which the program has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets the educational requirements for professional licensure.
    ID, MT, WY, OK, and GA.

Degree:  “MS in Medical Physics and Health Physics (Health Physics Option)”

  • Provide a list of all states for which the program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for professional licensure;
    None.  We are unaware of any state that provides professional licensure in health physics.
  • Provide a list of all states for which the program’s curriculum does not meet the educational requirements for professional licensure; and
    None.  We are unaware of any state that provides professional licensure in health physics.
  • Provide a list of all states for which the program has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets the educational requirements for professional licensure.
    None.  We are unaware of any state that provides professional licensure in health physics.

All Degrees:

  • Our curricula satisfy the educational requirements for professional board certification in medical physics and in health physics in all states of the United States. 
  • Students may file a complaint (after going through the grievance policies of the institution) to SACS sent via ground mail to:
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866  Southern Lane
Decatur, GA 30033-4097
and to the state authorization agency (if a distance education student and are unable to resolve the complaint through the grievance policies of the institution)

Louisiana Board of Regents
P.O. Box 3677
Baton Rouge, LA
ATTN: SARA Student Complaints