
Internship Agreements

Internships offer students  the unique opportunity to gain meaningful, practical, and valuable experience within a desired field. Allowing students to apply knowledge acquired in the classroom to real life scenarios.

Internship liability insurance covers the student and University in the event of third party claim.  Ordinarily, employees are covered by the policy of their employers; however, most host sites limit coverage to employees not interns.

To support and cultivate students learning experience the University offers professional and malpractice insurance to interns for third party liability claims. In order to receive coverage the following criteria should be met:

  • Internship must be for academic credit;
  • Internship should be uncompensated;
  • There should be an affiliation agreement between host site and University facilitated by the University academic department or the University’s experiential manager
  • Any non-LSU agreements should be reviewed by the Office of Risk Management for insurance considerations

Contact your respective academic department or the experiential learning department to receive information on securing a qualified internship experience

To have your agreement reviewed by risk management please complete the form below: