
Driver Authorization Request Form 

Please review the following information before starting the web form:

To complete the Driver Authorization Request Form, you will need the following information:

  • Employee's driver's license number / state - for out of state drivers, see below for more information
  • Employee's LSU identification number (89...)
  • Employee's supervisor -  
  • Employee's department vehicle designee - name & email (if known)
  • Date the employee completed the

  1. Department determines that employee needs to drive a University-owned vehicle, University rental or a personally owned vehicle as a function of the employee's written job requirements.
  2. Employee completes the required and stores the completion date for future reference.
    • The LSU A&M Driver Training Questionnaire is valid for 3 years.
  3. Employee submits the Driver's Authorization Request form below to Risk Management. The form includes information needed to confirm that an employee's driving record meets the Office of Risk Management's guidelines for approving drivers.
    • The online form is an annual requirement for the Driver Authorization process.
    • Risk Management may reach out at any time to request a new online form is submitted for review.
  4. Risk Management requests the driver’s motor vehicle record from the LA Office of Motor Vehicles for in-state driver’s licenses.
    • For non-Louisiana licensed drivers, the employee will need to obtain the motor vehicle record (MVR) from their license state or work with Risk Management to obtain the MVR through HireRight. You can find more information below on the HireRight process.
  5. Risk Management will review the driver’s motor vehicle record and notify the department about whether or not the employee is approved as an Authorized Driver.

  • By submitting this form, you verify that you have been approved by your department to drive a vehicle to conduct university business.
  • You agree to only drive a University vehicle, University approved rental vehicle or your personal vehicle on University business as permitted by your department and to follow LSU’s vehicle use and accident reporting requirements.
  • You acknowledge that LSU will be requesting your official motor vehicle record from your license state, and that rechecks will be made periodically during the time you are driving on behalf of the University.

The Driver Authorization process must be completed for anyone who will be driving LSU-owned vehicles, University rental, and/or personal vehicle for University business as a function of their written job description.

  • Example: "this position involves routine visits to New Orleans using your personal vehicle..."

If an LSU employee does drive a personal vehicle on campus but it is not a written requirement of their job description, they would not need to become an authorized driver.

  • Example: employee routinely drives from their office at the Vet School to Thomas Boyd Hall to pick up paperwork but that is not a written job requirement of their position. 

Non-LSU employees or individuals who drive LSU-owned or rented vehicles and who are not employees of LSU will need department head approval to drive in addition to completing the driver authorization process. Examples would include Alumni Association employees or TAF employees driving LSU-owned vehicles and volunteers driving vehicles for LSU Athletics. The department head you work most closely with will need to sign off on these requests. This approval can be sent to vehicles@lsu.edu directly via email or a scanned note.

  • Please note that non-employee exceptions to drive for LSU University business are rare and justification for the exception must be provided to Risk Management. 
  • Department head will include any person who has the term "Director" in their official job title (Assistant Director, Associate Director, etc..) or an equivalent / higher title.

Out of state drivers must provide a copy of their MVR (motor vehicle record) from their home state. There are many options available to receive an out of state MVR. *Risk Management requires a certified MVR that is dated within 30 days from the driver authorization form*.

MVR Provider Options

  1. To order an MVR from your home state directly, please Google - "state name MVR". This should take you to your state's website, likely ending in a ".gov" url. 
    • Please note that state requirements and turnaround times range from instant pdf generation to 3 week delivery by mail.
  2. Alternatively, employees / departments can utilize , the Universities' background check vendor, directly through Risk Management.
    • For more information about this process, please see the menu item below called "HireRight Cost / Process".

Cost / Fees:

  • This web page shows the estimated cost associated with ordering an employee's MVR through HireRight. Please find the specific state and add the $2.50 HireRight fee to estimate the total anticipated cost. This amount is calculated in the "Estimated Total Cost" column on the page.
    • This table may not reflect accurate pricing as state fees are changed frequently by the individual states. If the listed fee is not accurate, the difference should be minimal.
    • The HireRight fee will remain at $2.50 unless otherwise noted here.
      • Using Texas as an example: $6.50 (Texas state fee) + $2.50 (HireRight fee) = $9 for a Texas MVR
  • When an invoice is received from HireRight, the driving worktag originally provided will be charged via Direct Charge submitted to AP by the Office of Risk Management. The email approving the charge may be included in the submission to AP.

Departmental Steps:

  • To use HireRight, please reach out or respond to Risk Management by emailing vehicles@lsu.edu and include the employee's first name, last name and email address. Please also provide the driving worktag for costs as outlined above.

Next Steps:

  1. Once the department approval and driving worktag are provided for the MVR cost, Risk Management will initiate the motor vehicle record check in HireRight. 
  2. The employee will receive an official email from HireRight with instructions to create an account. The email will expire within 3 days; therefore a timely response from the employee is essential. 
  3. The next series of pages will ask for the employee's personal information like name, DOB and license number.
  4. Upon completion of the form, HireRight will begin processing the MVR request. In general, it can take 24- 48 hours to obtain the official MVR upon the employee's completion of the HireRight form.
  5. Once the MVR is ready, it will be sent directly to Risk Management for review. Risk Management will review the MVR and alert the employee / department of the corresponding approval status.
    • The total processing time for review of Driver Authorization requests is 10-14 business days. If Risk Management does not receive timely responses to follow-up requests, this may add to the processing time and/or a failure to obtain approval as an authorized driver.

For use of your personal vehicle for work, you need to become an Authorized Driver only if such use is a requirement of your written job description. If it is a requirement of your job, you certify that you will maintain at least the minimum liability auto insurance coverage required by the state of Louisiana [].

If an employee is using their personal vehicle on university business and is involved in an accident, please contact Risk Management to determine the appropriate next steps at 578-3283 or riskmanagement@lsu.edu.

The employee will notify their supervisor and/or department vehicle use contact if any changes occur that could impact the employee's driver authorization status. Any change that could impact an employee's authorization should be reported. These changes include but are not limited to:


License Number

License State

LSU Department

Class of License

Driving Restrictions

Expiration Date

Major Offenses

At-fault accidents

Other Reportable Entries