
HireRight MVR Fee Schedule

Fees for Using HireRight

The total fee charged by HireRight is the sum of both the HireRight fee and the specific state fee.

  • HireRight charges a $2.50 fee for using their platform for ordering MVRs.
  • States charge a fee for MVRs as well. These fees are paid to the license state directly for the MVR's information. 
    • The state fees are further broken down in the next section. This information was provided by HireRight on the date listed.
    • This information may not reflect accurate pricing as state fees are constantly changing at the state's discretion, but in most cases, the pricing is correct and any differences will be minimal.

Total Cost Calculation

An example of the total cost of an MVR from Texas is below:

  • HireRight Fee - $2.50
  • Texas State Fee - $6.50
  • Total cost for a Texas MVR - $9.00

State Fee Table 

Please see the table below for estimated MVR pricing information. This table is sorted alphabetically by state. To find your state, you may scroll down the table or use "ctrl + f" and search for your state's name.

State Abbreviation State Fee Estimated Total Cost
Alabama AL $10 $12.50
Alaska AK $10 $12.50
Arizona AZ $6 $8.50
Arkansas AR $13 $15.50
California CA $2 $4.50
Colorado CO $2 $4.50
Connecticut CT $18 $20.50
Delaware DE  $25 $27.50 
District of Columbia DC $13 $15.50


FL $8 $10.50
Georgia  GA  $6 $8.50
Hawaii HI $23 $25.50
Idaho ID $10 $12.50
Illinois IL $20 $22.50
Indiana IN $10 $12.50
Iowa IA $10.30 $12.80
Kansas  KS  $16.70 $18.20
Kentucky KY $6 $8.50
Louisiana LA Free for LSU Free for LSU
Maine ME $7 $9.50
Maryland MD $12 $14.50
Massachusetts MA $8 $10.50
Michigan MI $12 $14.50
Minnesota  MN  $5  $7.50 
Mississippi MS $14 $16.50
Missouri MO $1 $3.50
Montana MT $7.87 $10.37
Nebraska NE $7.50 $10
Nevada NV $7 $9.50
New Hampshire NH $17 $19.50
New Jersey NJ $12 $14.50
New Mexico NM $6.50 $9
New York NY $7 $9.50
North Carolina NC $10.75 $13.25
North Dakota ND $3 $5.50
Ohio OH $5 $7.50
Oklahoma OK $27.50 $30
Oregon OR $13.99 $16.49
Pennsylvania PA $16 $18.50
Rhode Island RI $21 $23.50
South Carolina SC $7.25 $9.75
South Dakota SD $5 $7.50
Tennessee TN $7.50 $10
Texas TX $6.50 $9
Utah UT $11 $13.50
Vermont VT $18 $20.50
Virginia VA $9 $11.50
Washington  WA  $15 $17.50
West Virginia WV $12.50 $15
Wisconsin WI $7 $9.50
Wyoming WY $5 $7.50

 This list was last updated in November 2023 based on available data from HireRight.