
Non-LSU Youth Protection Programs

General Overview

All non-LSU programs involving minors must be operated in compliance with the university’s policy: Protection of Minors Participating in University Programs (Permanent Memorandum 16 or PM-16).

A non-LSU youth program is a program in which minors will be physically present and participating using any LSU facilities, property, or areas controlled by LSU (a non-LSU program is not one that is hosted, supervised, guided or provided program oversight by LSU.) Key PM-16 requirements for non-LSU programs include registration, training, background checks, and an executed University agreement.  

Non-LSU Programs Policy Requirements 

  1. All non-LSU youth programs must be registered and approved by the Campus Administrator.  LSU Office of Risk Management is the Campus Administrator for the LSU A&M campus. 
  2. Programs must be registered on annual basis at least thirty (30) days prior to the program’s start date.  (Contact LSU Office of Risk Management at youthprotect@lsu.edu if the registration deadline has passed.)
  3. To register, Non-LSU youth programs have the following two options:

All Non-LSU program must execute the following agreement with the University: License for Use of Facilities and Premises by a Non-LSU Youth Program. This agreement includes language requiring the non-LSU youth program to comply with the University’s policy PM-16 Protection of Minors Participating in University Programs. For more information on the required agreement, please contact Ashley Territo, aterrito@lsu.edu, in the Office of Finance and Administration.

  1. Non-LSU youth programs must ensure that all adults working in the non-LSU youth program complete LSU’s Basic Training for adults participating in Youth Programs.  The objective of this training is to make adults knowledgeable about their conduct and reporting requirements.
  2. Training must be completed prior to the adult working in a non-LSU youth program and annually thereafter. 
  3. The Campus Administrator may determine if any additional training for adults is required to work in a youth program. In addition, Program Administrators may require additional training for adults working in specific programs.

Non-LSU youth programs must ensure that all adults have undergone, as a minimum, a sex offender background check on the National Sex Offender registry. This background check must be completed prior to the adult working in a non-LSU youth program and at least every three years thereafter. 

Adult Qualifications and Adult-to-Minor Ratios: Each youth program is required to have a Program Administrator and an adequate number of designated Authorized Adults to supervise the participating minors, as outlined further in PM-16. 

Adult Conduct Requirements: All adults working in a youth program must be in compliance with the conduct requirements of PM-16, which include the required conduct for compliance, reporting, overseeing minors, protecting minors, and so forth.

Reporting Requirements: All adults working in a youth program must be in compliance with the PM-16 requirements for reporting criminal activity and prohibited conduct, including reporting within the program and at LSU; reporting abuse and neglect of a minor; reporting other crimes; reporting youth program policy violations; and self-reporting.