
SSS Frequently Asked Questions

SSS students can schedule an appointment on the Navigate app (see instructions below), visit our website, or by clicking one of the personal links below to visit the staff's calendar directly. If you have any questions or concerns, please email sss@lsu.edu or call 225-578-2873. 

Navigate app instructions: 

  1. Login with your MyLSU credentials
  2. Under Explore on your home scree, select Appointments.
  3. Select Schedule appointment.
  4. Select Student Success for type of appointment.
  5. Scroll down to Student Support Services and select the appointment you would like to schedule.
  6. Select date.
  7. Find available time.
  8. Choose a counselor
  9. Select time
  10. Confirm and schedule appointment. 

SSS students may access the Moodle page . Students will be added to the Moodle page once accepted into the program. Only SSS students have access to this page. 

SSS students are able to earn priority scheduling every semester by completing specific tasks set forth by the SSS staff. Priority scheduling information is available on the SSS Moodle page. 

SSS students are able to receive SSS tutoring. The full tutoring list is available on the SSS Moodle page. Below are the SSS tutoring policies. 


  1. Students are limited to two hours per subject per week unless approved by the tutor and the SSS Coordinator.
  2. Tutees must cancel or reschedule at least two hours before their session with their tutor.
  3. Students who cancel their appointments with less than two hours notification will receive a warning email or phone call. If a student no-shows or cancels an appointment with less than two hours notification a second time, the student must meet with an SSS full-time staff member before they may resume tutoring services. This policy also applies to students who show up later than 15 minutes late to the appointment without notifying their tutor at least two hours before. Further offenses will suspend the student from tutoring services unless approved by an SSS full-time staff member.
  4. Student Support Services will work to provide tutors for the following classes each semester: ACCT 2001, ACCT 2101, BIOL 1201/ 1001, BIOL 1202/ 1002, BIOL 2051, BIOL 2153, BIOL 2160, CHEM 1201/ 1001, CHEM 1202/ 1002, CHEM 2261, CHEM 2262, ECON 2000, ECON 2010, MATH 1021, MATH 1022, MATH 1431, MATH 1550, MATH 1552, PHYS 2001, PHYS 2002, PHYS 2110, PHYS 2112, PHYS 2113, SPAN 1101, 1102, 1152, 2101, 2102, EXST 2201, FREN 1001 and FREN 1002.
  5. If an SSS student is seeking tutoring in a class not listed above, students must make an appointment with an SSS full-time staff member to discuss the tutor request.
  6. Tutors and tutees are not to meet in personal spaces (i.e. dorm rooms, apartments, houses). Tutors and tutees are only to meet in public spaces, such as the SSS lab, LSU library, or a public coffee house.
  7. All students and tutors must abide by the 51Âţ»­ Code of Student Conduct.

Your LSU/Overall GPA is below a 2.0 and you will remain on warning until your GPA reaches a 2.0 or moves to probation. Students on probation are at risk of being scholastically dropped from the University. 

Since you are on Academic Warning, this likely means that you received a D or an F in a course(s) this semester. Please take the time to review your final grades and see if you will need to retake a course or change your schedule before the fall semester. Remember, many courses require a grade in the C range or better for CATS tracking and Senior College Admission.

Here is a link to the LSU catalog, which can answer questions about what grade you need to earn in a specific course.

Once you click the link, select your catalog year based on the year you started college or what it says on your degree audit. After you click the catalog year, there will be a grey side menu. In the side menu click on the senior college you are working on being admitted to. Once you click on the senior college, you will see a page that lists the different majors in that senior college. Click your major. Ex: College of Human Sciences and Education > School of Kinesiology > scroll down to bottom click your major “Kinesiology, B.S.”> from there you will see the CATS (critical) requirements

Also, failing courses can impact financial aid, TOPS, and CATS. Remember, if you earn a letter grade of F in a course, the course must be reattempted here at LSU or within the LSU system.

Financial Aid questions: Make an appointment via the Navigate App or email financialaid@lsu.edu or Telephone: (225) 578-3103

If you have a TOPS questions, visit or email them at custserv@la.gov

Finally, don’t forget that you can use grade exclusion on a course that you earned a D or F in. You must meet with a counselor to invoke Grade Exclusion, and you must do this before the last day to add courses in the semester you are retaking the course.

Your LSU/Overall GPA is below a 2.0 and if you earn below a 2.0 next semester, you will be dropped from the university.

Since you are on Academic Probation, this likely means that you received a D or an F in a course(s) this semester. Please take the time to review your final grades and see if you will need to retake a course or change your schedule before the fall semester. Remember, many courses require a grade in the C range or better for CATS tracking and Senior College Admission.

Here is a link to the LSU catalog, which can answer questions about what grade you need to earn in a specific course.

Once you click the link, select your catalog year based on the year you started college or what it says on your degree audit. After you click the catalog year, there will be a grey side menu. In the side menu click on the senior college you are working on being admitted to. Once you click on the senior college, you will see a page that lists the different majors in that senior college. Click your major. Ex: College of Human Sciences and Education > School of Kinesiology > scroll down to bottom click your major “Kinesiology, B.S.”> from there you will see the CATS (critical) requirements. 

Also, failing courses can impact financial aid, TOPS, and CATS. Remember, if you earn a letter grade of F in a course, the course must be reattempted here at LSU or in the LSU system.

Financial Aid questions: Make an appointment via the Navigate App or email financialaid@lsu.edu or Telephone: (225) 578-3103

If you have a TOPS questions, visit or email them at custserv@la.gov

Finally, don’t forget that you can use grade exclusion on a course that you earned a D or F in. You must meet with a counselor to invoke Grade Exclusion, and you must do this before the last day to add courses in the semester you are retaking the course.

If you have been scholastically dropped from LSU, this means that you will sit out from the university for one regular semester. During this time you cannot take courses in person or online at LSU. Students may take courses at another institution but must check with their senior college before doing so. If you received an F in a course, you are still required to repeat the course at LSU or within the LSU system.

Once you have reviewed your final grades, you may have found that you earned a D, F, or NC in a course. If so, you may need to retake a course or change your schedule before the spring semester. Remember, many courses require a grade of C- or better for CATS tracking and Senior College Admission.

Here is a link to the LSU catalog, which can answer questions about what grade you need to earn in a specific course. 

Once you click the link, select your catalog year based on the year you started college or what it says on your degree audit. After you click the catalog year, there will be a grey side menu. On the side menu, click on the senior college you are working on being admitted to. Once you click on the senior college, you will see a page that lists the different majors in that senior college. Click your major. Ex: College of Human Sciences and Education > School of Kinesiology > scroll down to bottom click your major “Kinesiology, B.S.”> from there you will see the CATS (critical) requirements.  

Also, failing courses can impact financial aid, TOPS, and CATS. Remember, if you earn a letter grade of F in a course, the course must be reattempted at LSU or within the LSU System.

Financial Aid questions: Make an appointment via the Navigate App or email financialaid@lsu.edu or Telephone: (225) 578-3103

If you have a TOPS questions, visit or email them at custserv@la.gov

Finally, don’t forget that you can use grade exclusion on a course that you earned a D, F, or NC in. You must meet with a counselor to invoke Grade Exclusion, and you must do this before the last day to add courses in the semester you are retaking the course.

You should have received an email from University College or your Senior College telling you about your CATS hold.

What this means: You will not be able to add/drop/move classes to your next semester's schedule until the hold is lifted.

How to get the hold lifted: You will need to meet with an academic advisor/counselor to have the hold lifted. If you are in UCFY/UCAC, you can meet with your UCFY/UCAC/SSS Counselor. If you are in your Senior College, you must meet with an advisor in your senior college to have the hold lifted. 

You should have received an email from University College or your Senior College telling you about your CATS hold.

What this means: You will not be able to add/drop/move classes to your next semester's schedule until the hold is lifted.

How to get the hold lifted:  Since it is your second consecutive CATS hold, you must appeal to have the hold lifted and to remain in your major. You will have to meet with an academic advisor to obtain the necessary paperwork for your CATS appeal. If you are in UCFY/UCAC, you can meet with your UCFY/UCAC/SSS Counselor to discuss the appeal process. If you are in your senior college, refer to the CATS hold email sent to you by your senior college for info regarding your CATS hold and the appeal process. 

If you have not yet earned the 24 credit hours required by LOSFA to retain your TOPS. You are still able to earn the additional hours over the summer if you so choose.

If you have any questions about summer classes, please reach out to your SSS or senior college counselor.

For other questions regarding TOPS, you can email custserv@la.gov .

Some exceptions have been granted for the TOPS hours requirement due to COVID-19 for more information contact LOSFA and visit the. 


If you do not have a schedule for the next semester and are planning to return to LSU, feel free to reach out to an SSS Counselor for support! If you are not planning to return, please let us know so we can update our records.