
SSS Priority Scheduling Information

Students in their first semester of SSS must earn priority scheduling as a requirement for their membership in the program. All other SSS students are encouraged to earn priority scheduling.

Priority Point Deadline for SSS Students: March 21, 2022  
Students earning priority scheduling will schedule: March 31, 2022, at 5:00 PM through your MyLSU account


FRESHMAN - Priority Point Guidelines

  • Freshmen must earn 6 points to earn priority scheduling.
  • Freshman must complete the following to earn priority scheduling:
    1. Schedule a meeting with your counselor to complete a Student Action Strategy (SAS) .
    2. Attend a meeting with your counselor to review your degree audit and 8-semester plan. **
    3. End of Semester Check-in
    4. Event Point (Peer Mentor meeting is required for new SSS freshman)
    5. Event Point
    6. Event Point


SOPHOMORE - Priority Point Guidelines

  • Sophomores must earn 6 points to earn priority for scheduling.
  • Sophomores must complete the following to earn priority scheduling:
  1. Schedule a meeting with your counselor to complete a Student Action Strategy (SAS) .
  2. Attend a meeting with your counselor to review your degree audit and 8-semester plan. **
  3. End of Semester Check-in
  4. Event Point
  5. Event Point
  6. Event Point


JUNIOR/SENIOR - Priority Point Guidelines

  • Juniors must earn 5 points to earn priority for scheduling.
  • Juniors and seniors must complete the following to earn priority scheduling:
  1. Complete a degree audit with your senior college advisor or SSS counselor.
  2. Complete an SAS or End of Semester Check-in with your SSS counselor.
  3. Choose any of the options below to earn the additional 3 points:
    • Attend a SSS event (Welcome Back, Listen & Learn, Roundtable)
    • Attend additional meeting with SSS counselor
    • Attend academic family meeting
    • Attend a Career Services, CAS, leadership or SFMC workshop or event
    • Community Service Project or internship
    • Others to be approved on an individual basis


** All students in MDA, AGRI, & ADSN will complete second priority point meeting with their senior college advisor. Please send a picture of your worked up degree audit/ flowchart/ 8 semester plan to your SSS counselor. Must be complete before 3/21.


Email your SSS counselor or sss@lsu.edu if you have any questions.