Faculty Research
Faculty Publications
Stauffer, S. M. (Ed.). (2021). Libraries, archives, and museums: History & theory of cultural heritage institutions in the west. Rowman & Littlefield.
Benoit, E., III, & Eveleigh, A. (Eds.). (2019). Participatory archives: theory & practice. Facet Publishing.
Moyer, J., III, & Thiele, J., et al. (2017). Suspense, adventure and thrillers. Readers Advisory. ALA Editions.
Wu, Y. (ed.) (2016). Oil spill impacts: Taxonomic and ontological approaches. CRC Press.
Stauffer, S.M. (2021). The ancient world. In Stauffer, S.M. (Ed.), Libraries, archives, and museums: History & theory of cultural heritage institutions in the west (pp. 7-16). Rowman & Littlefield.
Stauffer, S.M. (2021). The influence of the Muslim world on the west (610-1299). In Stauffer, S.M. (Ed.), Libraries, archives, and museums: History & theory of cultural heritage institutions in the west (pp. 57-68). Rowman & Littlefield.
Stauffer, S.M. (2021). Muslim Spain (Al-Andalus) (711-1492). In Stauffer, S.M. (Ed.), Libraries, archives, and museums: History & theory of cultural heritage institutions in the west (pp. 69-80). Rowman & Littlefield.
Stauffer, S.M. (2021). Twentieth-Century libraries. In Stauffer, S.M. (Ed.), Libraries, archives, and museums: History & theory of cultural heritage institutions in the west (pp. 209-220). Rowman & Littlefield.
Benoit, E., III, and Eveleigh, A. (2019). Defining and framing participatory archives in archival science.â In Benoit, E., III and Eveleigh A., (Eds.), Participatory archives: Theory & practice. (pp. 1-12). Facet Publishing.
Benoit, E., III and Roeschley, A. (2019). Degrees of mediation: A review of the intersectionality between community and participatory archives.â In Benoit, E., III and Eveleigh A. (Eds.), Participatory archives: Theory & practice. (pp. 159-171.) Facet Publishing.
Benoit, E., III, and Eveleigh, A. (2019). Challenges, opportunities, and future direction of participatory archives. In In Benoit, E., III and Eveleigh A. (Eds.), Participatory archives: Theory & practice. (pp. 211-218). Facet Publishing.
Stauffer, S.M. (2017). Historical research. In Small, R.V., & Mardis, M. (Eds.), Research methods for librarians and educators: Practical applications in formal and informal learning environments. ABC- CLIO.
Wu, Y. (2016). Chapter 1: Methodology. In Y. Wu (ed.), Oil spill impacts: Taxonomic and ontological approaches. (pp. 1-11). CRC Press.
Wu, Y., Dunaway, D. J., Lehman, A. (2016). Oil spill taxonomy. In Y. Wu (ed.), Oil spill impacts: Taxonomic and ontological approaches. (pp. 29-170). CRC Press.
Wu, Y., Lehman, A., Dunaway, D. J. (2016). Oil spill topic map: Concepts, relationships, and references. In Y. Wu (ed.), Oil spill impacts: Taxonomic and ontological approaches. (pp. 171-263). CRC Press.
Baker, S., Smith, D., Colby, D., & Gill, D. (2022). Self-Reported characteristics of servant leadership in school librarians. In IASL 2022 Hybrid Conference and Research Forum. (accepted)
Ju, B., Stewart, J. B., & Jin, T. (2022). A bit hard for us to explain: Barriers to creating new information in scientific collaboration. In Library & Information Science Research, 44 (3).
Ju, B., Jung, Y. & Bourgeois, J. (2021). Seeking health information in Wikipedia and readersâ satisfaction. In Proceedings of Association for Information Science & Technology.
Martell, A. & Benoit, E., III. (2022). The genre of love me binders: U.S. military veterans documenting their service. In Archivaria, 95. (accepted).
Stauffer, S.M. (2022). Correct provision can be made for their wants: The reading rooms of the Santa Fe Railroad. In Library & Information History. (accepted).
Stewart, J. B. (2022). Community, risk assessment, prevention and control: Black American college studentâs information seeking on COVID-19. In Health Information & Libraries Journal.
Suttle, M. & Gill, D. (2022). Misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and news media literacy for school libraries. In IASL 2022 Hybrid Conference and Research Forum.
Buchanan, S.A., Barsan, E., Benoit, E. III, Cocciolo, A., Johnson, A.M., Lima, A., Matusiak, K.K., Poole, A., Post, C., and J. Zhang. (2021). Inventing and implementing future-ready archival education. In Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference: ALISE 2021.
Fitzgerald, K., Bourret, G., Audas, J., Olson, L., Roeschley, A., & Mongeon, P. (2021). The established archives: A bibliometric overview of archival research. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrĂšs annuel de lâACSI.
Olson, L., Audas, J., Bourret, G., Fitzgerald, K., Roeschley, A., & Mongeon, P. (2021). Is archival scholarship for everybody? A bibliometric analysis of gender and knowledge production in the archival field, 1981-2019. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrĂšs annuel de lâACSI.
Smith, D., Milburn, S., Colby, D., Esener, Y., & Gill, D. (2021). What is important for survival?: The analysis of a school librarianâs COVID-19 blog post corpus. In IASL Annual Conference Proceedings. (accepted)
Stauffer, S.M. (2021). An emergency job well done: Friends of freedom libraries and the Mississippi freedom libraries. In Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, 5 (1), 102-128.
Stewart, B, Ju, B. (2021). A Conceptual Framework of Data (Info) Quality Revisited. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 58 (1), 836-838.
Wang, F., Yang, J., & Wu, Y. (2021). Non-synchronism in theoretical research of information science. In Journal of Documentation, 77(6), 1430-1454.
Wang, F., Zhu, H., & Wu, Y. (2021). Quality, reuse, and governance of open data. In Proceedings of ASIS&T 84th Annual Meeting, 659-662.
Yang, S., & Ju, B. (2021). Library support for emergency management during the time of natural disasters: Through the lens of public library Twitter data. In Library and Information Science Research, 43 (1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2021.101072
Chung, H., Nandhakumar, S., & Yang, S. (2020). GridSet: Visualizing Individual Elements and Attributes for Analysis of Set-Typed Data. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Published. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.3047111
Holden, J. & Roeschley, A. (2020). Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Records. In The American Archivist, 83 (1), 77-90.
Roeschley, A., Kim, J., & Zavalina, O. L. (2020). An exploration of contributor-created description field in participatory archives. In International Conference on Information (pp. 638-648).
Roeschley, A., & Khader, M. (2020). Defining data ethics in library and information science. In iConference 2020 Proceedings.
Singh, D., Shams, S., J., Park, S., & Yang, S. (2020). Fighting for Information Credibility: An End-to-End Framework to Identify Fake News during Natural Disasters In 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 2020, 90â99. http://idl.iscram.org/files/dipaksingh/2020/2210_DipakSingh_etal2020.pdf
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Educating for Whiteness: Applying Critical Race Theoryâs Revisionist History in Library & Information Science Research. In Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 61 (2): 452-462. DOI: 10.3138/jelis.61.4.2019-0042
Stewart, B, Ju, B. (2020). On Black Wikipedians: Motivations Behind Content Contribution. In Du, J.T., Xie, I., Waycott, J. (Eds.), Information Processing & Management, 57 (3), Special Issue: Marginalized Communities, Emerging Technologies, and Social Innovation in the Digital Age.
Wu, Y. (2020). Modeling entity and event relations in scientific documents for supporting knowledge discovery and organization. In Library and Information Science Research e-Journal (LIBRES), 29 (2): 77-99. https://www.libres-ejournal.info/3041/
Wu, Y. (2020). Developing a taxonomic framework of security methods for security management and information resource management. In Journal of Strategic Security, 13 (2): 64-77. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jss/vol13/iss2/4/
Zhang, W., Ji, M., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Xu, S., and Wu, Y. (2020). An exploration of how the resourcing of staff and book purchasing affects the development of Chinaâs public school libraries in Guangzhou. In Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA), 69 (1): 70-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/24750158.2019.1702140 (correspondence author).
Benoit, E., III and Force, D.C. (2019). One Size Does Not Fit All: Graduate Archival Education in the 21st Century. In American Archivist, 82 (1): 24-52.
Jin, T., & Chen, M. (2019). Exploring Underlying Causes of Cross-national Differences in Intellectual Property Ethics: A Concept Map. In E. Tomé, F. Cesårio, and R. R. Soares (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Volume 1, pp. 584-592. DOI: 10.34190/KM.19.135. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
Jin, T., & Chen, M. (2019). Cultural Barriers to Intellectual Property Ethics: A Theoretical Model. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 56 (1), pp.491-494. DOI: 10.1002/pra2.00053.
Jin, T., & Chen, M. (2019). Do Cultural Differences Impact on Intellectual Property Protection in the United States and China? In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of CAIS / Actes du congrĂšs annuel de l'ACSI (ISSN 2562-7589). https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/ojs.cais- acsi.ca/index.php/cais-asci/article/view/1099/961
Ju, B. & Kim, Y. (2019). The formation of research ethics for data sharing by biological scientists: An empirical analysis. In Aslib Journal of Information Management, 71 (5), 583-600.
Ju, B. & Stewart, B. (2019). âThe same platform as othersâ: Perceptions of information bias among Black Wikipedians. In Journal of Documentation, 75 (6), 1486-1502.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Using text mining and data visualization to trace the disciplinary boundaries of collective memory studies. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 56(1), 747-749.
Roeschley, A. & Kim, J. (2019). "Something that feels like a communityâ: The role of personal stories in building community-based participatory archives. In Archival Science, 19(1), 27-49. doi:10.1007/s10502-019-09302-2
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Marilla Waite Freeman: The Librarian as Literary Muse, Gatekeeper, and Disseminator of Print Culture. In Library & Information History, 35(3): 151-167. DOI: 10.1080/17583489.2019.1668156
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Let Us Forget this Cherishing of Women in Library Work: Women in the American Library War Service, 1918-1920. In Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 3(2): 155-174. DOI: 10.5325/libraries.3.2.0155
Stewart, B. Kendrick. K. (2019). âHard to Findâ: Information Among LGBT College Students. In ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 71 (5).
Stewart, B., Ju, B., & Davis-Kendrick, K. (2019). Racial climate and inclusiveness in academic libraries: Perceptions on welcomeness among Black college students. In The Library Quarterly, 89 (1), 16-33.
Stewart, B. (2019). Southern Imprints and Readers in Zboray, R. J. and Zboray, M. S., The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture: Volume 5: US Popular Print Culture to 1860. Oxford University Press.
Wright, T. and Edward B., III (2019). Technology Use in Designing Curriculum for Archivists: Utilizing Andragogical Approaches in Designing Digital Learning Environments for Archives Professional Development. In Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture 48 (2), 85-94.
Wu, Y. and Meng, F. (2019). Categorizing security for security management and information resource management. In Journal of Strategic Security 11(4): 72-84. Available at https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jss/vol11/iss4/4
Yang, L. and Wu, Y. (2019). Creating a taxonomy of earthquake disaster response and recovery for online earthquake information management. In Knowledge Organization 46(2): 77-89.
Yang, S., & Stewart, B. (2019). @Houstonpolice: An Exploratory Case of Twitter During Hurricane Harvey. In Online Information Review, 43(7), 1334â1351. https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-09-2018-0279
Yang, S., Ju, B., & Chung, H. (2019). Identifying Topical Coverages of Curricula using Topic Modeling and Visualization Techniques: A Case of Digital and Data Curation. In International Journal of Digital Curation, 14(1), 62â87. https://doi.org/10.2218/ijdc.v14i1.586
Youn, C., Das, A. K., Yang, S., & Kim, J. (2019). Developing a Meta Framework for Key-Value Memory Networks on HPC Clusters. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning), 1â6. https://doi.org/10.1145/3332186.3332216
Zou, L., Lam, N. S., Shams, S., Cai, H., Meyer, M., Yang, S., Lee, K., Park, S., & Reams, M. A. (2019). Social and Geographical Disparities in Twitter Use during Hurricane Harvey. In International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(11), 1300â1318. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2018.1545878
Benoit, E., III (2019). Moving Image User-Generated Description: A Matter of Time. In International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives Journal 49, (1), 60-72.
Benoit, E., III and Munson, A. Proceed with Caution: Deepening Concerns about Social Tagging within Digital Collections, 2010-2016. In Libraries and the Academy 18 (4), 759-779.
Benoit, E., III. (2018). #MPLP Part 2: Replacing Item-level Metadata with Social Tags. In American Archivist 81(1), 38-64.
Chen, W., Chen, J., Erdmann, C., Owens, T., Jin, T., & Phillips, M. (2018). Can research librarians make contributions to decision-making as intelligence analysts? The Prospects and challenges. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 317-318. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1145/3197026.3205365.
Jin, T., Ward, A., Yi, K. (2018). The key to fostering transdisciplinary research collaboration: Finding the connections. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. Available at https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/ojs.cais-acsi.ca/index.php/cais- asci/article/view/981/874
Ju, B. & Albertson, D. (2018). Exploring factors influencing acceptance and use of video digital libraries. In Information Research, 23(2). http://www.informationr.net/ir/23-2/paper789.html#author
Ju, B. & Kim, Y. (2018). Conceptualizing research ethics on scientific data sharing: Evidence from biological scientists. In Proceedings of Association for Information Science & Technology 2018.
Ju, B., Yang, S., Meyer, M., & Hendricks, M. (2018). Public libraries on Twitter: Interacting with communities in crisis. In ACM WebSci Conference 2018. https://websci18.webscience.org/wp content/uploads/2017/09/WebSci18_Events_PreProceedings-10- Main_Conference_Poster_Session-lres.pdf
Ju, B., Jin, T., & Stewart, B. (2018). Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration as a Community of Practice. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes, 2018. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta.
Roeschley, A. & Kim, J. (2018). A study of the intellectual structure of community archives. In iConference 2018 Proceedings.
Shams, S., Platania, R., Kim, J., Zhang, J., Lee, K., Yang, S., & Park, S. (2018). A Distributed Semi-Supervised Platform for DNase-Seq Data Analytics using Deep Generative Convolutional Networks. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, 244--253.
Shams, S., Goswami, S., Lee, K., Yang, S., & Park, S. (2018). Towards Distributed Cyberinfrastructure for Smart Cities Using Big Data and Deep Learning Technologies. 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 1276--1283.
Stewart, B. & Ju, B. (2018). On Perceptions of Welcomness in Academic Libraries: A Black Perspective. In Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference: ALISE 2018.
Stewart, B. & Ju, B. (2018). What drives Black contributions to Wikipedia? In Proceedings of Association for Information Science & Technology 2018.
Stewart, B., & Walker, J. (2018). Twitter and the Lack of a Participatory Culture in American College Libraries. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrĂšs annuel de l'ACSI. University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
Yang, S., Ju, B., & Chung, H. (2018). Configuring the Scope of Digital/Data Curation in LIS Education. In Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference: ALISE 2018.
Walker, J., Ramos, C., and Stewart, B. (2018). Developing a Crisis Informatics Ecosystem for Smart Cities: Geosciences and Remote Sensing. In IEE SoutheastCon 2018. IEEE. Retrieved from 10.1109/SECON.2018.8478976
Wu, Y. (2018). Enriching a thesaurus as a better question-answering tool and information retrieval aid. In Journal of Information Science 44(4): 512-525. Available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0165551517706219
Zhang, T., Lee, Y., & Yang, S. (2018). Web-Based Data Federation, Archiving, and Curating of Construction Activity and Operation Sounds. In Construction Research Congress 2018, 253--261.
Benoit, E., III & Martell, A. (2022). Utilizing focus group research data to create preservation curricula for veterans. Society of American Archivists, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, Martell, A., & Brownlee, G. (2021). The Virtual Footlocker Project: 2021 MARS update. Society of American Archivists, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III & Roeschley, A (2022). Using backward design model to create effective online courses. Archival Education & Research Institute, online. Presentation.
Buchanan, S.A., Barsan, E. Benoit, E., III, Cocciolo, A., Johnson, A.M, Lima, A., Matusiak, K.K., Poole, A., Post, C., & Zhang, J. (2021). Inventing and implementing future-ready archival education. Association for Library and Information Science Education, online. Presentation.
Gill, D. & Colby, D. (2021). An exploratory study of school librariansâ advocacy for equitable access during a pandemic. New Librarianship Symposia Series, online. Presentation.
Gill, D. (2021). A new normal agenda in a COVID-affected world. New Symposium iConference, online. Presentation.
Martell, A., Benoit, E., III, & Brownlee, G. (2021). Love me binders: Personal information collections for the modern soldier. Society of American Archivists Research Forum, online. Presentation.
Martell, A., Benoit, E., III, & Brownlee, G. (2021). Documenting the personal records of the modern soldier in the times of COVID-19. Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Gettysburg, PA. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2021). Emerging voices in archives. Society of American Archivists, online. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. & Ahaiwe, E. (2021). Plenary address: Archival ethics and values. Archival Education & Research Institute, online. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2022). Correct provision can be made for their wants: The reading rooms of the Santa Fe Railroad. Past and Futures of the Library, Pollak Library, California State University Fullerton. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2022). Correct provision can be made for their wants: The reading rooms of the Santa Fe Railroad. Southwest P/ACA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Presentation.
Stewart, B. & Ju, B. (2022). Exploring an information quality framework for Wikipedia articles. Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), Berlin, Germany. Presentation.
Thiele, J. (2021). Wisconsin Library Ecosystem. Wisconsin State Trustee Training Week, online. Presentation
Wang, F., Zhu, H., & Wu, Y. (2021). Quality, reuse, and governance of open data. Association for Information Science & Technology, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, Martell, A., and Brownlee, G. (2021). Documenting the Personal Records of the Modern Soldier in the Times of COVID-19. Society of Southwest Archivists Annual Meeting, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, Martell, A., and Brownlee, G. (2021). Documenting the Personal Records of the Modern Soldier in the Times of COVID-19. Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, Martell, A., and Brownlee, G. (2021). Documenting the Personal Records of the Modern Soldier in the Times of COVID-19. Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting, online. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2021). Seeking health information in Wikipedia and readersâ satisfaction. ASIS&T Annual Conference, Utah. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2021). A Conceptual framework of data (Info) quality revisited. ASIS&T Annual Conference, Utah. Presentation.
Stauffer, S. (2021). 'Because I have read books myselfâ: Books and reading in E. Nesbitâs Bastable children series. Reader in the Book: Books, Reading, and Libraries in Fiction, March 18-19, 25-26, Institute of English Studies, University of London, UK, online. Presentation.
Stauffer, S. (2021). Rosenwald Demonstration Library in Webster Parish, Louisiana. Southwest P/ACA Annual Conference, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, and Brownlee, G. (2020). Foiled Again: Adapting Focus Groups Thwarted by Coronavirus. Society of American Archivists, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, and Brownlee, G. (2020). Virtual Footlocker Project in the Time of COVID-19. Society of American Archivists, online. Presentation.
Jin, T. (2020). Meeting Evolving Business Needs: A Conversation between RIM Educators and Thought Leaders. MER Conference Virtual, online. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2020). Take the Trouble to Compile a Whole New World: The Role of Event-Based Participatory Projects in Institutional Archives. ALISE 2020, online. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2020). Considering Individual and Community Contexts Within Information Pedagogy, Scholarship, and Practice. ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ANNUAL MEETING 2020, online. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2020). The Role of Event-Based Participatory Projects in Institutional Archives. ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2020, online. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2020). An Exploration of Contributor-Created Description Field in Participatory Archives. iCONFERENCE 2020, Boras, Sweden. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2020). Defining Data Ethics in Library and Information Science. iCONFERENCE 2020, Boras, Sweden. Presentation.
Thiele, J. (2020). Surviving a Pandemic at The Public Library. 51Âț» Professional Development Webinar Series, online. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III, Lee J. A., Buchanan S. A., and Roeschley, A. (2019). Whatâs Next for Archival Education? Society of Southwest Archivists, Tucson, AZ.
Benoit, E., III and Guidry, R. (2019). Dispatches from the Front: Findings from the Virtual Footlocker Project Phase 1. Society of American Archivists, Austin, TX.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Using Text Mining and Data Visualization to Trace the Disciplinary Boundaries of Collective Memory Studies. ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ANNUAL MEETING 2019, Melbourne, Australia. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Campus Archives in the Shadow of Campus Sexual Assault. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN ARCHIVISTS RESEARCH FORUM 2019, Austin, Texas. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). The Role of Campus Archives in Documenting Campus Sexual Assault. ARCHIVAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2019, Liverpool, England. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Community Collections in Institutional Archives: (Towards) Challenging Traditional Archival Paradigms. ARCHIVAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2019, Liverpool, England. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Negotiating Value in Event-Based Mediated Participatory Digital Archives. ACM/IEEE JOINT CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES, Champaign, Illinois. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Whatâs Next for Archival Education? 2019 CONFERENCE OF INTER-MOUNTAIN ARCHIVISTS & SOCIETY OF SOUTHWEST ARCHIVISTS JOINT ANNUAL MEETING, Tucson, Arizona. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2019). Mediation in the Participatory Archive. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2019, Denton, Texas. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Friends of Freedom Libraries. Popular Culture/American Culture Association in the South, Wilmington, NC. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Imagining the Empire: Images of âThe Otherâ in British Childrenâs Books, 1815-1914. SHARP Annual Conference, Amherst, MA. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2019). Friends of Freedom Libraries. Southwest P/ACA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Presentation.
Ju, B., Stewart, B. (2019). Perceptions of information bias and inequity among Black Wikipedians. European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, Cologne, Germany. Presentation.
Thiele, J. (2019). Inclusivity in the library: Patrons on the Autism Spectrum. Shawano City-County staff development. Shawano, WI. Presentation.
Thiele, J. (2019). Memoir Writing and E-Publishing, Sponsored by the Department of Aging (2019). Farnsworth Public Library, Oconto Wisconsin. Presentation.
Wu, Y. & Meng, F. (2019). Creating a security methods taxonomy for information resource management. 21st International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Presentation.
Yang, S. & Wu, Y. (2019). Designing effective knowledge presentation techniques for large digital collections. Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia. Presentation.
Yang, S. (2019). Deepfakes & Disinformation - New Challenges for Media Literacy, Deepfake, Generative Adversarial Network, and Detecting Fake News in Social Media. LSU Libraries, Hill Memorial Library lecture hall, Baton Rouge, LA. Presentation.
Yang, S., Wu, Y. (2019). ASIS&T 82nd Annual Meeting, "Designing an Effective Knowledge Presentation System for Large Digital Collections," Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Melbourne, Australia. Presentation.
Benoit, E., III and Wright, T. (2018). Developing Digital Learning Environments. Presented at the Archival Education and Research Institute, Tuscaloosa, AL. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). Perceptions of information bias and inequity among Black Wikipdeans. European Computational Social Science Symposium, Cologne, Germany. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). What drives Black contributions to Wikipedia? ASIS&T Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). Conceptualizing research ethics on scientific data sharing: Evidence from biological scientists. ASIS&T Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). Public libraries on Twitter: Interacting with communities in crisis. ACM WebSci Conference 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). Configuring the Scope of Digital/Data Curation in LIS Education. ALISE2018 Annual conference. Denver, CO. Presentation.
Ju, B. (2018). On Perceptions of Welcomeness in Academic Libraries: A Black Perspective. ALISE2018 Annual Conference, Denver, CO. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). Towards an Understanding of Data Ethics in LIS. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2018, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). Representing Survivors of Violence in College and University Archives. ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2018, Washington, D.C. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). Layers of Meaning in a Participatory Archive. ARCHIVAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2018, Tuscaloosa, AL. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). Text Mining for Contributor-Generated Metadata. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2018, Denton, TX. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). An Integrative Literature Review of Data Ethics in Information Science: A Work in Progress. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2018, Denton, TX. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). Personal Objects as Gateways to Community Memory. PERSONAL DIGITAL ARCHIVING 2018, Houston, TX. Presentation.
Roeschley, A. (2018). A Study of the Intellectual Structure of Community Archives. iCONFERENCE 2018, Sheffield, England. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2018). Marilla Waite Freeman: The Librarian as Literary Muse, Gatekeeper, and Print Culture Disseminator. Women in Print: Production Distribution, Consumption, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK. Presentation.
Stauffer, S.M. (2018). The Public Library as Frontier: Shifting Borders, Permeable Boundaries. Southwest P/ACA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Presentation.
Stewart B., Ju, B. (2018). What Drives Black Contributions to Wikipedia? Annual Meeting of Association for Information Science and Technology Vancouver, BC, Canada. Presentation.
Stewart, B., Yang, S. (2018). The Spread of âFakeâ and âFalseâ Information During Hurricane Harvey. WebScience Conference 2018, ACM Conference on Web Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation.
Stewart, B. (2018). Southern Agricultural Literature; A Practical Literacy for the American South. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) Annual Conference University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Presentation.
Stewart, B., Davis K. K. (2018). The Academic Library as Place: Perceptions of Welcomeness Among Black College Students. American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA. Presentation.
Stewart, B.. Ju, B., Kendrick, K. D. (2018). On Perceptions of Welcomeness in Academic Libraries : A Black Perspective. ALISE Works in Progress (WIP) Poster Showcase. Westminster, CO. Presentation.
Thiele, J. (2018). Social Media and Fundraising for Non-Profits. Tutor Time Out Training. Marinette-Oconto Literacy Council. Marinette/Oconto, Wisconsin. Presentation.
Wu, Y. (2018). Exploring research data management from a data user's perspective: a case study of two data repositories. 20th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, Hamilton, New Zealand. Presentation.
Wu, Y. and Yang, L. (2018). Characterization of a semantic relations taxonomy in biomedical science. 14th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation.
Yang, S., Rizzuto, T., Singh, D. (2018). Filtering Tweets for Crimes. Smart Safe Connected Baton Rouge, National Science Foundation (NSF), Baton Rouge, LA. Presentation.
Yang, S., Rizzuto, T., Singh, D. (2018). Tweets Beyond Words: Using Patterns in Social Media Chatter to Detect Gang-related Violence, Smart Safe Connected Baton Rouge, National Science Foundation (NSF), Baton Rouge, LA. Presentation.
Yang, S., Ju, B., Meyer, M., Hendricks, M. (2018). Public Libraries on Twitter: Interacting with Communities in Crisis. The 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation.
Yang, S., Stewart, B. (2018). The Spread of "Fake" and "False" Information During Hurricane Harvey. The 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation.
Yang, S., Ju, B., Chung, H. (2018), Configuring the Scope of Digital/Data Curation in LIS Education. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Denver, CO. Presentation.