Student & Alumni Research
Kuyper-Rushing, Lois (MLIS, 1993). A Thematic Index of Works by Eugene Bozza. A-R Editions, Music Library Association, 2020.
Mallon, Melissa (MLIS, 2007). The Pivotal Role of Academic Librarians in Digital Learning. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2018.
Woolman, Janet (MLIS, 2002). Pensacola Cyber Coast: Live Coastal. Work Cyber. A Cybersecurity Strategic Plan Report. FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance and Pensacola Cybersecurity Community. 2018.
Adams, Robert W. “Pop-Up Architecture Libraries.” Art Libraries Society of North America Architecture Section, 2018,
Catania, Amy (CARST, 2018). “Re-conceptualizing Oral Culture Collections and Archival Practices.” Provenance 35, no. 2 (2018): 45-70.
Corder, Amy. “Library Outreach Student Award Recap.” National Network of Libraries of Medicine, 2018,
Kearney, Janet (MLIS, 2016). Immigration and Asylum: Striving for Recognition, in Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities, and the Law: A Research Bibliography (2d ed., William H. Hein 2018).
Kearney, Janet (MLIS, 2016). Military Employment: Navigating the Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. In Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities, and the Law: A Research Bibliography (2d ed., William H. Hein 2018).
Kearney, Janet (MLIS, 2016). “Distinct Topics in Public Sector Employment.” In Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities, and the Law: A Research Bibliography (2d ed., William H. Hein 2018).
Kearney, Janet (MLIS, 2016). “Review of Christopher T. Marsden, Network Neutrality: From Policy to Law to Regulation.” 110 Law Libr. J. 277 (2018).
Morrissey, Jude (MLIS, 2012) and Kenderes, L. “Building Bridges with No Trolls: The Practical Ethics of Open Access Institutional Repositories and Digital Archives.” In Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology: Decision-Making in the Age of Open Access, Maker Spaces, and the Ever-Changing Library (pp. 285-303). (ACRL Publications in Librarianship, no. 72). Chicago: ACRL, 2018.
Benoit, III, Edward and Munson, Amanda (MLIS, 2017). “Proceed with Caution: Deepening Concerns about Social Tagging within Digital Collections, 2010-2016.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 18, no. 4 (2018): 759-779.
Schexnayder, Benjamin. “The Recovering of Ancient Manuscripts.” LAMA Newsletter, Fall/Winter 2018, 10-12.
Wilson, Kaci (MLIS, 2021) and Hawk, Amanda. "Creating Meaningful Hybrid and Virtual Internship Opportunities for Students." 2021 Society of Southwest Archivists Annual Meeting, 2021.
Chlids, Miriam D. (MLIS, 1993). "The Colorful Peripatetic Wanderings of the Louisiana Supreme Court--and What Its Law Library Can do for You!". 13th Annual LSBA Solo and Small Firm Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 2020.
Childs, Miriam D. (MLIS 1993). "Loaves and Fishes: Providing Legal Assistance to SRLs When Resources are Limited." 2020 American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting & Conference, 2020.
Benoit, E. and Guidy, Roxanne (MLIS & CARST, 2019). "Dispatches from the Front: Findings from the Virtual Footlocker Project Phase 1." 2019 SAA Conference, 2019.
Holmes, Soline (MLIS, 2020) and Schwarzenbach, Alicia (MLIS, 2017). "Extend Your STEM with Mother Goose." Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019.
Holmes, Soline (MLIS, 2020) and Schwarzenbach, Alicia (MLIS, 2017). "Feast on the Graphic Novel: Using Graphic Novels to Teach the Curriculum." Louisiana Library Association, Baton Rouge, LA, 2019.
Holmes, Soline (MLIS, 2020) and Schwarzenbach, Alicia (MLIS, 2017). "Feast on the Graphic Novel: Using Graphic Novels to Teach the Curriculum." Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019.
Johnson, David. "Personal Archiving - A Labor of Love for My Hometown." Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Morgantown, WV, 2019.
Williamson, James, Marian J. Barber, Morgan Gieringer, Mike Miller, and Katie Salzmann. "Get With, or at Least On, the Program: Crafting Session Proposals for Archives-Related Sessions at Non-archives Conferences." Society of American Archivists Annual Archives*Records, Austin, TX, 2019.
Childs, Miriam (MLIS, 1993). “…And Justice for All: Three States and Three Approaches to Access to Justice.” American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2018.
Helwick, Kacy (MLIS, 2014). “Unconventional Outreach: Going Where the People Are.” Louisiana Libraries Association, Alexandria, LA, 2018.
Holmes, Soline (MLIS, 2020) and Schwarzenbach, Alicia (MLIS, 2017). "Feast on the Graphic Novel: Using Graphic Novels to Teach the Classics." Conference for Young Adult Literature Louisiana, Shreveport, LA, 2018.
Johnson, David. “The History of Olean, New York, and the Creation of the Olean Historical and Preservation Society Digital Archive.” Poster Presentation, Society of American Archivists, Washington, D.C., 2018.
Moreno Ortiz, Marisol. “The Diverse Workforce.” Internet Librarian International (ILI) Conference, London, 2018.
Morrissey, Jude (MLIS, 2012). “Seeing the ‘Student’ in ‘Student Worker’: Utilizing the LMS for Student Worker Training & Management.” Appalachian College Association Professional Development Day, 2018
Mullins, Andrew (MLIS, 2018). “LGBTQ Archives in New Orleans.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Mullins, Andrew (MLIS, 2018). “Supporting Scientific Research in Louisiana Historical Archives.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Ortiz, Marisol Moreno. “The Diverse Workforce.” Internet Librarian International (ILI) Conference, London, 2018.
Riggs, Michele (MLIS, 2004). “The Great Divide: Research Before, During, and After the Information Age.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Sampson, Catherine. “Preservation of Glass Plate Negatives.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Schexnayder, Benjamin. “The Recovering of Illegible Antiquity Manuscripts: Palimpsests and Charred Scrolls.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Tompkins, Zach (MLIS, 2013). “Store digital content for the long term.” Deep South Digital Preservation Workshop, Lafayette, LA, 2018.
Tompkins, Zach (MLIS, 2013). “Missing Tapes and Deleted Tweets: The Presidential Records Act & Democracy.” Presentation for the Presidential Symposium Behind the Ballot: Examining the Influences and Trends Driving Modern Elections at 51, Baton Rouge, LA, 2018.
Voisin, Erin. “Archives and Outreach: Nurturing Community Engagement through Shared Perspectives.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Ward, Emily (MLIS, 2014). “Archiving the Web@EBRPL: Building a Community History Web Archive.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.
Woods, Cheylon (MLIS, 2015). “Protecting content from everyday threats and emergency contingencies.” Deep South Digital Preservation Workshop, Lafayette, LA, 2018.
Woolman, Janet (MLIS, 2002). “Building a Sustainable Tech Community in the Panhandle.” ITEN Wired Conference, 2018.
Word, Catherine (MLIS, 2014). “Building Strong Relationships in the School Library.” ALA National Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2018.
Worsham, Natalie (MLIS & CARST, 2019). “To Scan or Not to Scan: Digitization in the Archives.” Louisiana Archives and Manuscript Association, Ruston, LA, 2018.