
Africa Concentration

african nature scene


The concentration in Africa focuses on the politics, history, folklore, and culture of Sub Saharan Africa.  This region has close cultural ties with the United States, and supplies a number of important resources which are shipped through the Port of New Orleans including cocoa, coffee, and rubber.  Dramatic economic conditions is some parts of Africa highlight the urgent need for sustainable economic development.

Language Requirement:

Students must demonstrate competency in Arabic or French.  (Competency means the equivalent of six semesters of one language.)

LSU Courses in the Africa Concentration:

  • AAAS 2050 – Contemporary Africa (3) African social and political institutions in transition; challenges of democratization and development in the current international context.
  • AAAS 3120 – Topics in History of Africa and the African Diaspora (3) May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.This course surveys historical moments in the life of African and/or African diaspora peoples.
  • AAAS 3122 – Topics in Pre-Colonial Africa (3) May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs of credit when topics vary.Surveys African empires and civilizations from ancient times to colonial period. Emphasizes culture, religion and/or political influence and practices.
  • ANTH 4051 – Africa (3) People and cultures of Africa; emphasis on cultural transformation and contemporary societies. Topics include: kinship, gender, economics, religion, healing, politics, urbanism, post-colonialism, and transnationalism.
  • ANTH 4470 – Folklore of the African Diaspora (3) African, Caribbean and African-American cultures from the viewpoint of the diaspora.
  • FREN 4070 – Literature of Africa and the Caribbean (3) Prerequisite:FREN 3071 and FREN 3072 or equivalents or permission of instructor. Major aspects of francophone African and Caribbean literature.
  • HIST 4084 – West Africa to 1800 (3) The geography, ethnicity, social, economic and political development of West Africa from the prehistoric period to 1800.
  • HIST 4085 – West Africa from 1800 (3) The rise of Islamic orthodoxy, the role of imperialism, the rise of African nationalism and other themes in the history of West Africa since 1800.
  • INTL 3991- Study Abroad in Africa (1-6) May be repeated for up to 12 hours credit when topics vary.Studies in the history, culture, economics, politics or geography of Africa.
  • POLI 4064 – Comparative Politics of Developing Areas (3) Problems of development confronted by contemporary states and societies of the Third World; emphasis on role of ethnic pluralism, political parties, bureaucracies and the military.
  • POLI 4078 – African Government and Politics (3) Governmental and political processes of Africa; factors affecting governmental performance in modern Africa.
  • SOCL 4551 – Global Society (3) Prerequisite:SOCL 2001 or equivalent. Presents central concepts and major perspectives on international development, globalization and world poverty and income inequality.
  • THTR 4220/ENGL 4220 – Drama of Africa and African Diaspora (3) Study of the form and characteristic features as expressed in the works of dramatists in Africa and African Diaspora.

Note: Course offerings will vary from semester to semester, and there are invariably new courses or special topics classes which are applicable to this concentration but do not appear on the list below.  A scheduling guide listing course offerings will be circulated before scheduling begins for each semester.  Also students who study abroad can ask to count courses taken abroad toward their concentration.  Generally any course focusing on Africa since 1500 can be applied to the concentration

Study Abroad Options:

Study Abroad options for this concentration include semester and academic year exchange programs in the region.  Students have recently studied abroad in South Africa, and LSU has exchange opportunities across Africa including Botswana .  LSU summer programs vary year by year, recent summer programs have visited Morocco and Malawi.  Please visit the Academic Programs Abroad for more information.