
Minor Requirements

The minor in international studies in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences is designed to provide students with a perspective on issues of global consequence, and permit them to focus on a region that is of particular significance. All students seeking a minor in international studies must complete the following three requirements:

The minor in international studies in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences is designed to provide students with a perspective on issues of global consequence, and permit them to focus on a particular region of the world. All students seeking a minor in international studies must complete the following three requirements:

Interdisciplinary core (9 Sem. Hrs.) 

Nine hours chosen from:

ANTH 1003 Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (3) or
ANTH 2051 Introduction to World Ethnography (3)
ECON 2030 Economic Principles (3)
GEOG 1001 Human Geography: Americas and Europe (3) or
GEOG 1003 Human Geography: Africa and Asia (3)
HIST 1007 World History Since 1500 (3)
POLI 2053 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3) or
POLI 2057 Introduction to International Politics (3)
REL 2027 Asian Religions (3) or
REL 2029 Judaism, Christianity and Islam (3)


Regional or Global Concentrations (12 Sem. Hrs.):

12 hours chosen from one of the following Global and Regional concentrations.
Global Studies, Global Diplomacy, Environment and Development, Global Cultures, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe, or Latin America


Foreign Languages (14-16 Sem. Hrs.):

All minors in International Studies must attain second year proficiency in a foreign language


Detailed requirements can be found in the .

For additional information, contact Dr. Leonard Ray, 153 Howe-Russell, 225-578-2550.  lray2@lsu.edu