
Award-Winning Students

Outstanding Undergraduate Award

Each year a committee of International Studies faculty select an outstanding INTL major from a set of students nominated by members of the International Studies faculty.  We are pleased to recognize these students for their excellent work and commitment to the International Studies Program.

2015 Maddelena Baker

2014 Logan De la Barre-Hays

2013 Chelsea Anne Lewis

2012 Rachel Annamae Berard

2011 Aubrey Thibuat and Emily Haik

2010 Sarah Gates

2009 Sarah Burns

2007 Jill Achberger

2006 Puninder S.J. Sangatpuri

Other Award Winners

Numerous International Studies students have been recipients of prestigious scholarships and awards. 

2013 Logan Delabarre-Hays finalist Rhodes Scholarship

2013 Logan Delabarre-Hays finalist British Marshall Scholarship

2013 Catherine Celeste Fontenot Harry S Truman Scholarship

2012 Aubrey Thibaut. fullbright grant (Taiwan)

2011 Emily Haik Critical Language Scholarship Arabic (Oman)

2010 Katherine Osborn Critical Language Scholarship Chinese (China)

2010 Emily Haik Critical Language Scholarship Arabic (Tunisia)

2009 Michael Rhea British Marshall finalist

2008 Michael Rhea British USA Today all-USA college academic team (second team)

2008 Claire Kendig Harry S. Truman Scholarship

2008 Claire Kendig Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship