
Degree Requirements

For students entering in the Fall of 2020 or later:

Along with the University level General Education requirements, the curriculum in International Studies comprises the following five elements.

Core Curriculum (12 hrs.)

During the freshman and sophomore years, majors complete the core curriculum by taking one course from each of the following four disciplines: ANTH 1003 or 2051; CPLT 2202; ECON 2030; GEOG 1001 or 1003; HIST 1007; POLI 2057 or POLI 2053; REL 2027 or REL 2029.

Introductory Course (3 hrs.)

All majors must complete the introductory course, INTL 2000. This is a prerequisite for the gateway course.

Gateway Course (3 hrs.)

All majors must complete the interdisciplinary course, INTL 3001. This is a prerequisite for the senior-level capstone seminar.

Area of Concentration (15 hrs.)

All majors select a primary (15 hrs.) and a secondary (6 hrs.) area of concentration.  Courses for the areas of concentration should ideally be taken during the junior and senior years.  Students may choose from  nine concentrations, and select both a regional and a thematic focus.

Foreign Language (hours. vary)

Students must demonstrate competency (generally 6 semesters) in a language relevant to their regional focus.

Senior Capstone Course (3 hrs.)

The senior capstone seminar (INTL 4003) is intended for graduating International Studies majors in their final semester. Prerequisites are INTL 3001 and  9 hrs. of additional upper-level courses in area of concentration.

Students seeking more information about the degree requirements for a B.A. in International Studies should consult the  in force when they were admitted to LSU.

For additional information, contact Dr. Leonard Ray, 153A Howe-Russell Hall, 225-578-2500 lray2@lsu.edu