
Upcoming Events

Public Talk Friday

February 16th at 3:30PM in room E130 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex

“Indigenous Autonomy and State Encroachment: The Crisis on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast”
Mr. Brooklyn Rivera
Director of YATAMA (Nicaraguan Indigenous and Afro-Descendant political organization)
Deputy, Nicaraguan National Assembly

Mr. Rivera is one of Latin America's best-known and long-term Indigenous leaders. He has represented the Miskitu & Caribbean coast people in various global fora over the past three decades.  He served as one of the military leaders of the Miskitu-Rama-Suma resistance to the Nicaraguan government's policies in the 1980s.

Part of the Geography & Anthropology Friday Forum speaker series; Co-Sponsored by the Honors College


Public Talk and Q&A  

February 21, 3:00 PM, 103 Design Building

The Middle East in Flames: An Israeli Perspective
With Mr. Gilad Katz Consul General of Israel

Consul General of Israel to the Southwest United States, Mr. Gilad Katz, will give a behind the scenes look into the workings of the Office of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Having served as the Prime Minister’s Advisor and Hebrew-speech writer, prior to his current posting, the Consul General is able to discuss aspects of Israel’s national security, political decision making, and the peace process, from a very unique perspective. The talk will be an interactive dialogue where the audience is encouraged to be engaged and involved.
Co-sponsored by the International Studies Program and the Program in Jewish Studies

Study Abroad Fair 

February 22, 11:00-3:00 LSU Union