










15 - 16 April 2019

Dalton J. Woods Auditorium
Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

13th Annual Louisiana Water Conference



NOTE: Topics, speakers and session times are subject to change


Monday, April 15, 2019
Dalton Auditorium
7:30 to 8:00 am     


8:00 to 8:07 am     

Opening remarks
Sam Bentley, Interim Vice President, Office of Research and Economic Development, LSU

8:07 to 8:15 am     

Opening remarks
Billy Leonard, Associate Vice President & Program Leader of Water Resources, LSU Agricultural Center

8:15 to 8:22 am     

Opening remarks
Earl Greene, Director, Water Resources Research Act Program, U.S. Geological Survey

8:22 to 8:30 am  

Opening remarks
Charles Groat, Director, Louisiana Geological Survey

State Wide Water Issues & Management
8:30 to 8:55 am     

Clean Water is our Life Blood
General Russell Honore’

8:55 to 9:20 am     

What in the World are we Doing About our Fresh Water Resources?
George Losonsky and William Schramm

9:20 to 9:45 am     

Analysis of Public Supply Water Use in Louisiana
Pierre Sargent

9:45 to 10:00 am     


10:00 to 10:25 am     

The Louisiana Watershed Initiative Predisaster Planning & Water Management
William Wicker and Alexandra Carter

10:25 to 10:50 am     

Louisiana Watershed Initiative: Designing a Monitoring and Modeling Approach in Support of Statewide Comprehensive Watershed Management
William Wicker, Patrick Forbes, Ehab Meselhe and Emad Habib

10:50 to 11:15 am     

Update on work towards a Comprehensive Water Code for Louisiana
Christopher Dalbom

11:15 am to 1:00 pm     


Ethics & Techniques
1:00 to 1:50 pm     

Professional Ethics for Geologists and Engineers
John Johnston

1:50 to 2:15 pm     

Evaluating Shallow Groundwater Resources Using Smart Tools
Scott Bergeron and George Losonsky

2:15 to 2:40 pm     

Estimating groundwater availability and land-surface subsidence in the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System using a MODFLOW 6 model and uncertainty analysis
Linzy Foster, Leslie Duncan and Brian Clark

2:40 to 3:05 pm     

Hidden complexity of the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley aquifer illuminated like never before using regional-scale airborne geophysics
Wade Kress, Burke Minsley and James Rigby

3:05 to 3:20 pm     


Southern Louisiana
3:20 to 3:45 pm     

Approaches to Minimization of Saltwater Intrusion in the Baton Rouge Area
Anthony Duplechin

3:45 to 4:10 pm     

Structured Decision Making to Support Long-Term Water Resource Planning
Alyssa Dausman, Ryan Clark, Michael C. Runge and Ellen Bean

4:10 to 4:35 pm       
4:35 to 5:00 pm     

The Springs of Denham Springs, Louisiana their history, chemistry and source of water
Douglas Carlson



Monday, April 15, 2019
Conference Room
Gulf Coast
8:30 to 8:55 am     

Applications of the Louisiana Coastal Geohazards Atlas in groundwater management
Chris McLindon

8:55 to 9:20 am     

Distribution and recovery trajectory of Macondo oil: shelf and wetlands
R. Eugene Turner, Nancy Rabalais and Edward Overton

9:20 to 9:45 am     

Bayou Lafourche Sewage Project
Jesse Means

9:45 to 10:00 am     


Mississippi River
10:00 to 10:25 am     

Decadal changes in river discharge from the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico
Y. Jun Xu and Yan Qi

10:25 to 10:50 am     

Morganza Control Structure & the Mississippi River Flood Fight
Tzenge-Huey Shih, David Vossen and Amena Henville

10:50 to 11:15 am     

Contrasting diel dissolved carbon dynamics in the Mississippi and Yangtze Rivers
Jeremy Reiman, Lei Gao, Weiguo Zhang and Y. Jun Xu

11:15 am to 1:00 pm     


Louisiana and Beyond
1:00 to 1:25 pm     

Assessing Louisiana public supply water wells in terms of Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDISW)
Yuanda Zhu and Johan Forsman

1:25 to 1:50 pm     

Assessment of trace metal levels along an estuary of petrochemical industrial areas in Southwest Louisiana
Songjie He and Y. Jun Xu

1:50 to 2:15 pm     

Investigation of the geochemical and geophysical evolution of groundwater in a Neogen basin: kert aquifer NE of Morocco
Mohammed Elgettafi and Juan Lorenzo

2:15 to 2:40 pm     

Recent Morphological Evolution of the Channel Bar in the Middle Yangtze River During 1985-2015 Influence of Sediment Decline by Anthropogenic Interference
Hui Li, Jun Xu and Zhaoyang Wang

2:40 to 3:05 pm     

Trends for Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconvential Plays compare to Haynesville
Douglas Carlson

3:05 to 3:20 pm     


Northern Louisiana
3:20 to 3:45 pm     

Mapping the Variability of Specific Conductance in Groundwater of the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer
Ashley Bussell, Courntey Killian, Katherine Knierim, James Kingsbury, Samantha Wacaster and Wade Kress

3:45 to 4:10 pm     

Challenges with Salt Water Disposal in the Haynesville Shale Play
Corey Shircliff

4:10 to 4:35 pm     

Water quality index in the assessment of the Red Bayou water quality for crop irrigation
Changyoon Jeong and Se-Won Kang



Monday, April 15, 2019
Morning Poster Session
8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Levees and Rivers
Characterization of sedimentology and infill rates for borrow areas in coastal Louisiana
Matthew Barley, Carol Wilson, Kehui Xu and Sam Bentley
Evaluation of Relief Wells along Levees of Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans, Louisiana
Ye-Hong Chen and Frank T.-C. Tsai
A quantitative analysis of the organic and mineral content of Mississippi River suspended sediment in the falling hydrograph
Abigail Eckland, Mead Allison and Thomas Bianchi
Shear Wave and Resistivity Surveys to Evaluate Seepage Flow Under A Levee in the Lower Mississippi River Valley
Daniel E. Locci Lopez, Juan M. Lorenzo, Frank T.-C. Tsai and Mohammed Elgettafi
Effect of Land Use Change on River Network and Channel Morphology of Four Tributaries in the Vermilion Watershed in South Louisiana
Courtney Poirier and Katie Costigan
Changes in riverbed morphology in the upper lowermost Yangtze River from 1998 to 2013
Wei Xu, Y. Jun Xu and Heqin Cheng



Monday, April 15, 2019
Afternoon Poster Session
12:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Water modeling, supply, and use
Developing statewide hydrostratigraphy model for Louisiana state
Hamid Vahdat Aboueshagh and Frank Tsai
2015 Water Use in Louisiana
Angela Collier
Emergency preparedness and recovery lessons after the Great Louisiana Flood of 2016 among domestic well owners
Aubrey Gilliland, Kelsey Pieper, Susanne Straif-Bourgeois, William Rhoads, Marc Edwards, Kari Brisolara and Adrienne Katner
Introduce Sediment Module into WRF-Hydro
Dongxiao Yin and Zuo Xue
Bi-objective saltwater intrusion risk assessment using Bayesian set pair analysis and machine learning based ensemble surrogates
Jina Yin and Frank Tsai
Groundwater-surface water interactions in the Lower Mississippi River Delta Plain
An Li and Frank Tsai



Tuesday, April 15, 2019
Dalton Auditorium
7:30 to 8:00 am     


Surface Water
8:00 to 8:25 am     

Elements geochemistry across the waterscape: A case study in the lower Little River Basin, Louisiana
Zhen Xu and Y. Jun Xu

8:25 to 8:50 am     

Hydraulic responses to frontal passage in a microtidal environment
Sara Ates and Matthew Hiatt

8:50 to 9:15 am  

Water-sediment diversion rate at the Old River Control Structures
Bo Wang and Y. Jun Xu

9:15 to 9:40 am     

Current and future depositions of nitrogen and sulfate in Southeastern U.S.
Jessica Nguyen and Hao Guo

9:40 to 10:00 am     


Ground Water
10:00 to 10:25 am     

Safe Water For Disinfection: Using Disinfectant Water for the 2014 Eboa Outbreak
Lee Gary, Robert Reimers and Kari Brisolora

10:25 to 10:50 am     

Groundwater Use in the Agricultural Sector in Louisiana, 2004-2017
Dependra Bhatt, Krishna Paudel, Frank Tsai and Huizhen Niu

10:50 to 11:15 am     

Managed Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility Study
Olivia LaHaye, Emad Habib, Hamid Aboueshagh, Frank Tsai and David Borrok

11:15 to 11:40 am     

The impact of unconventional energy development using hydraulic fracturing on Louisiana water resources availability
Hanz Unruh, Emad Habib and David Borrok