










15 - 16 April 2019

Dalton J. Woods Auditorium
Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

13th Annual Louisiana Water Conference


Presentations and Posters

 Submissions currently available.


List of Abstracts



The Springs of Denham Springs History, Water Quality and Source
Douglas Carlson, Louisiana Geological Survey

Safe Water For Disinfection: Using Disinfectant Water for the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone
Lee P. Gary, Jr.

Safe Water For Disinfection: Using Disinfectant Water for the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone
Lee P. Gary, Jr.

The Louisiana Watershed Initiative Predisaster Planning & Water Management
Alex Carter, OCD-DRU, Sam Martin, CPRA, Jeffrey Giering, GOHSEP

Applications of the Louisiana Coastal Geohazards Atlas in Groundwater Management
Chris McLindon

Analysis of Public Supply Water Use in Louisiana
Pierre Sargent, Hydrologist, U.S.G.S.

What in the World are We Doing About Our Fresh Water Resources?
William H. Schramm, George Losonsky

Morganza Control Structure & the Mississippi River Flood Fight
T. (Jerry) Shih, Ph.D., P.E. ,David J. Vossen, P.E., Amena M. Henville, P.E., PMP, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District

Impact of unconventional energy development using hydraulic fracturing on water resources availability in LA
Hanz Unruh, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Emad Habib, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, David Borrok, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Decadal changes in river discharge from the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico
Y. Jun Xu and Yan Qi, School of Renewable Natural Resources, 51Âþ»­, USA

Assessing Louisiana public water wells in terms of Ground Water under Direct Influence of Surface water(GWUDISW)
Yuanda Zhu,  Johan Forsman, Louisiana Department of Health




A quantitative analysis of the organic and mineral content of Mississippi River suspended sediment in the falling hydrograph
Abigail Eckland1,2, Mead Allison1, Thomas Bianchi3, Michale Shields3

1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Science and ENgineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
2The Water INstitute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge, LA
3Department of Geological Sciences, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL


Introduce Sediment Module to the National Water Model (WRF-Hydro)
Dongxiao Yin1, Z. George Xue1,2,3, Dav id Gochis4, Mirce Morales5, Glenn Wilson6

1Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, 51Âþ»­, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
2Center for Computation and Technology, 51Âþ»­, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
3Coastal Studies Institute, 51Âþ»­, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
4National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States
5School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
6National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, MS, United States