Radiation Safety

Authorization for 51Âþ»­ and Agricultural & Mechanical College to possess, store, and use sources of radiation is stipulated in a broad-scope Radioactive Material License issued by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, which has vested responsibility from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission within the State of Louisiana.  The broad-scope license allows the University maximum flexibility in the use of sources of radiation for teaching and research activities through the operation of an internal radiation safety and control program.

Administrative authorization from the University is contained in Permanent Memorandum-30 (PM-30). Under the direction and supervision of the Radiation Safety Committee, the Radiation Safety Office is responsible for implementing radiation control policies and ensuring safety practice in order to not only be fully in compliance with the federal and state regulations but also assure individual well-being and the integrity of the University.


Approval of the Radiation Safety Office must be obtained for all procurement of radioactive materials and radiation producing equipment, all teaching and laboratory uses, research and development projects, as well as any other activities with potential radiological hazards, all contracts and grant proposals involving sources of radiation, all personnel who will directly use sources of radiation, and all facilities, construction, outfitting, and renovation involving sources of radiation.

The radiation protection program is conducted in such a manner so that radiation exposure to faculty, staff, students, the general public, and the environment will be maintained as low as reasonably achievable and that no radiation exposure will be received without societal benefit. This will be accomplished without hindering legitimate research or realistic teaching objectives. Professional health physicists equipped with a full spectrum of state-of-the-art radio analytical instrumentation as well as high energy irradiation and neutron activation facilities are available for consultation and research development to support a broad range of radiation applications and radiological analyses