External Funding Sources

Grant funding from outside the university usually comes from one of the following sources: federal agencies, state agencies, the Board of Regents, and other foundations. LSU provides several resources to help you identify grant opportunities for your research.

All federal agencies publish their opportunity announcements through the website. This site has a robust search capability, allowing you to search by agency, type, topic, or eligible institutions.

When agencies limit the number of applicants from a given institution or entity, LSU is responsible for hosting a limited submission competition to determine which proposal(s) will represent our institution.

LSU faculty can also take advantage of crowdsourced funding for their research through Launch LSU program, in cooperation with the LSU Foundation.

The SPIN Grants Database provides a comprehensive listing of federal, state, industry and philanthropic grant opportunities. LSU faculty can access the database through GeauxGrants.

We also are providing a list of current opportunities that are drawn from federal and foundation sources.