Limited Submission Opportunities

Programs that allow only one or a small number of proposals to be forwarded from a given institution to a sponsoring agency are known as Limited Submission Opportunities. The program guidelines require the institution to internally screen applications and determine which research project(s) will go forward to the agency. At LSU, this responsibility lies with the Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED).

Review Process

When limited submission programs come to the attention of ORED at LSU, we will coordinate a Limited Submission Competition, with the relevant program data posted on our and and distributed through a weekly email announcement (GeauxGrants) to all faculty.

LSC Process illustration, text only follows

A Call for Letters of Intent will invite applications from any faculty member interested in the program. Once LOIs have been collected, a pre-proposal will be requested of each applicant if there are more applicants than slots available. Pre-proposals will be peer-reviewed and the approved applicant will be selected on that basis. If there are an insufficient number of Letters of Intent, applicants will be approved on a first-to-apply basis.

All LOI must be submitted through the page.

The LOI must include:

  • PI Information: Name, telephone, email, college and/or department
  • Descriptive Title of the Project
  • List of Other Participating Institutions
  • List of Co-PIs and Senior Key Investigators: List co-PIs and senior/key investigators and their affiliation, including college and department for all LSU personnel.
  • Abstract (up to 3500 characters including space between words): This should include how this proposal responds to the funding announcement, what the proposal plans to accomplish, and briefly how it plans to accomplish its goals.

Internal Pre-Proposal Competition

If the number of LOIs exceed the sponsor’s limitation, an invitation to submit an internal preproposal will be sent soon thereafter, along with its deadline. Faculty should email if they submitted an LOI and did not receive an invitation to submit an internal preproposal since the email may have been filtered. Faculty should check their spam filters before contacting ORED.

Preproposals will be due shortly after the pre-proposal invitation is sent. Preproposals should consist of the following:

  • A summary of the proposed project, up to 2 pages (single spaced) in length. The summary should address the key criteria of the funding announcement. For instance, summaries for NSF projects should include discussion of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts.
  • Current biographical sketch or CV in the sponsor’s format of the PI, and submission of biographical sketches or CVs of up to four other senior key personnel
  • List of key personnel and their roles

All documents should be uploaded as a PDF. No budget or budget justification is required, unless specifically requested. Furthermore, additional instructions may be provided in the email invitation to submit an internal preproposal. This email will also include a link for the electronic upload of the internal proposal. 

RFPs Limited by Research Topic

Sponsors, such as NIH, have included the following statement in their announcements:

"Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct."

This language means that institutions like LSU may submit more than one application as long as the research topics are sufficiently distinct. ORED will not host Limited Submission Competitions for proposals with this language. PIs are encouraged to contact their home department when submitting proposals for which this stipulation is included in the announcement to see if other proposals may be in development. ORED can be consulted if assistance is needed in the review/selection process.

Other Opportunities

Should you identify a limited opportunity of interest that has not yet been announced by ORED, please contact our office with the name of the competition and a link to or PDF of the funding announcement as soon as possible.