Research Integrity

LSU upholds its research with the highest level of quality, ethics and credibility. We adhere to federal standards of research integrity and are committed to open and honest communication with the LSU research community. We welcome discussions about our role as investigators, discoverers and creators.

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The scientific research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Scientists trust that the results reported by others are valid. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists to describe the world accurately and without bias. But this trust will endure only if the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct.

On Being a Scientist was designed to supplement the informal lessons in ethics provided by research supervisors and mentors. The book describes the ethical foundations of scientific practices and some of the personal and professional issues that researchers encounter in their work. It applies to all forms of research--whether in academic, industrial, or governmental settings-and to all scientific disciplines.

This third edition of On Being a Scientist reflects developments since the publication of the original edition in 1989 and a second edition in 1995. A continuing feature of this edition is the inclusion of a number of hypothetical scenarios offering guidance in thinking about and discussing these scenarios.

On Being a Scientist is aimed primarily at graduate students and beginning researchers, but its lessons apply to all scientists at all stages of their scientific careers.

The integrity of knowledge that emerges from research is based on individual and collective adherence to core values of objectivity, honesty, openness, fairness, accountability, and stewardship. Integrity in science means that the organizations in which research is conducted encourage those involved to exemplify these values in every step of the research process. Understanding the dynamics that support – or distort – practices that uphold the integrity of research by all participants ensures that the research enterprise advances knowledge.


Become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship responsibilities, handling of data, responsible authorship, and questionable research practices.

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has developed a series infographics addressing the Responsible Conduct of Research and the handling of research misconduct. These infographics can be used by RCR instructors and Research Integrity Officers (RIOs) to help educate the community on research integrity topics.  ORI encourages the sharing and distribution of these resources with colleagues.


This fictional film tackles some major issues in modern science. In practice, millions of researchers around the world discover new things every day with professionalism and sound ethics. On Being a Scientist is a fiction film(series) made by Leiden University, about science and what it is like to be a scientist. But it also raises a lot of questions which may not have clear-cut answers. Among others about what science should be and the moral dilemma's anyone will encounter when working in science. This video by Leiden University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 4.0 Netherlands License (see ).


This widely adopted textbook provides the essential content and skill-building tools for teaching the responsible conduct of scientific research. Scientific Integrity covers the breadth of concerns faced by scientists: protection of animal and human experimental subjects, scientific publication, intellectual property, conflict of interest, collaboration, record keeping, mentoring, and the social and ethical responsibilities of scientists. Learning activities and resources designed to elucidate the principles of scientific integrity include

  • Dozens of highly relevant, interactive case studies for discussion in class or online
  • Numerous print and online resources covering the newest research guidelines, regulations, mandates and policies
  • Discussion questions, role-playing exercises, and survey tools to promote critical thought
  • Documents including published rules of conduct, sample experimentation protocols, and patent applications

The new edition of Scientific Integrity responds to significant recent changes―new mandates, policies, laws, and other developments―in the field of responsible conduct of research. Dr. Macrina plants the seeds of awareness of existing, changing, and emerging standards in scientific conduct and provides the tools to promote critical thinking in the use of that information.

Scientific Integrity is the original turnkey text to guide the next generations of scientists as well as practicing researchers in the essential skills and approaches for the responsible conduct of science.