CITI IRB Training Guide

Instructions for accessing and registering for IRB Training through the CITI program.  

  1. Go to 
  2. If you do not have a CITI account, click Register. (Step-by-step screen shots are below instructions.) 
  3. Under Step 1: Select your Organization Affiliation by typing in 51Âþ»­. Click continue to create your username and password.
  4. Under Step 2: Enter your name and email address.
  5. Under Step 3: Create a username, password, security question, and security answer.
  6. Under Step 4: Enter your country of residence.
  7. Under Step 5: Answer the questions regarding Continuing Education.
  8. Under Step 6: Answer the required questions. You are required to fill out your Language Preference, Institutional Email Address, Department (students should put in department of the grant), and your Role in Research.
  9. Under Step 7: Select "Not at this time" or "No" for all questions.  On Question 6 select either Biomedical Research Investigators or Social & Behavioral Research Investigators. This fulfills the IRB requirement for the Basic/Refresher human subjects research training. 
  10. Next, you will be brought to the main menu for the training program. There is a link to View 51Âþ»­ Instructions Page. Go to this link and read the instructions for completing the courses and getting your certificate of completion.
  11. When you are done with the institution-specific instructions, you can close that window and go to My Courses on the Main Menu page and begin the program.
  12. Users can log on and off at any time and normally will take a few sessions to complete the training program (roughly 3-4 hours). Upon satisfactory completion of the program, a copy of the completion certificate can be printed out for your files.
  13. There is no need to email the certificate to the IRB.  Attach the completion certificate to your IRB submission. (For researchers who can be listed on the Personnel page of the IRB application/amendment, the CITI training should populate below their name on the Personnel page.  If it does not, the certificate will need to be attached to the Project Abstract & Supporting materials page.) 

Click here to view a step-by-step Guide to CITI Registration & Course Enrollment.

* Note: LSU IRB does not accept Responsible Conduct of Research or Conflicts of Interest courses for human subjects research training.