Proposal Development Resources

The Office of Research Advancement (ORA) has developed a library of key resources that can help accelerate the process of proposal development. This includes examples of previous propsoals to a variety of federal and private funding agencies, broader impact statements and data management plans.

Proposal Examples

ORA has curated a series of proposal examples from agencies LSU researchers commonly apply to, including federal agencies like NEH, NSF, NIH, ED, and DOE, as well as private foundations like the Keck Foundation. Our list is always in progress, and we welcome suggestions for proposal examples as well as volunteers to provide examples. To view these examples, you must be affiliated with LSU and use your PAWS ID to access . Please email if you have any difficulty viewing the examples or have any questions about them.

Broader Impacts

ORA hosts a workshop and presentation every year on how to incorporate broader impacts (BI) in proposals, and maintains a list of resources at LSU to aid researchers in connecting their research with communities beyond LSU. Through our Moodle page, LSU researchers can watch on BI () from Spring 2021 led by the College of Science's Associate Dean for Academic Innovation and Engagement, Dr. Zakiya Wilson-Kennedy, that covers the history of the BI requirement in NSF proposals, summarizes best BI practices, and offers insight from successful proposals.