
CMST Graduate Degree Options

Please see the CMST Graduate Student Handbook for a thorough discussion of the degree programs & requirements.

The Department of Communication Studies at LSU offers a M.A. degree with a thesis, non-thesis, and professional practice project option, a M.A. -> Ph.D. Fast Track degree, and a Ph.D. degree. All students develop an individualized program of study in consultation with and as approved by their graduate committee. The committee consists of the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied. 

M.A. Degree – 36 hours plus comprehensive exams; 2 years (5 years max)

Required Core

  • CMST 7900: Introduction to Graduate Study (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Communication Theory  (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Performance Studies (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Rhetoric (3 credits)
  • If on assistantship: CMST 7901: Pedagogy (3 credit)

Additional Courses

  • At least 2 more courses in CMST at the 7000 level (6 credits)
  • At least 2 more courses in CMST at the 4000 or 7000 level (6 credits)

Non-Thesis Option

  • At least 4 more courses at the 4000 or 7000 level, in or out of CMST 12 credits = 36 (37) credits

Thesis Option

  • At least 2 more courses at the 4000 or 7000 level, in or out of CMST (6 credits)
  • CMST 8000: Thesis Research 6 credits = 36 (37) credits

Professional Practice Option

  • At least 2 more courses at the 4000 or 7000 level, in or out of CMST (6 credits)
  • CMST 7998: Professional Practice Projects 6 credits = 36 (37) credits

M.A. -> Ph.D. Fast Track Degree – 72 hours plus comprehensive & general exams & dissertation

To qualify, the student must complete the non-thesis M.A. degree in 1½ years, beginning the Ph.D. sequence in the 2nd half of their 2nd year

For M.A. requirements, see above. For Ph.D.:

Required Core

  • CMST 7903: Research Writing (3 credits)
  • If on assistantship: CMST 7901: Pedagogy (3 credit)

Additional Courses in CMST

  • At least 2 more courses in emphasis at the 7000 level (6 credits)
  • At least 1 more course in another area at 7000 level (3 credits)
  • At least 2 more courses at the 4000 or 7000 level (6 credits)

External Study Requirement

  • At least 3 courses outside of CMST (9 credits)

Additional Courses

  • At least 3 more courses in or out of CMST, at least 2 @ 7000 = 9 credits

CMST 9000: Dissertation Research (9 hours; does not count towards total) = 36 (37) credits

+ 36 M.A. credits= 72 (73) credits

Ph.D. Degree (M.A. earned elsewhere) – 72 hours plus general exams & dissertation; 4 years (7 years max)

Required Core

  • CMST 7900: Introduction to Graduate Study (3 credits)
  • CMST 7903: Research Writing (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Communication Theory (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Performance Studies (3 credits)
  • A 7000 level seminar in Rhetoric (3 credits)
  • If on assistantship: CMST 7901: Pedagogy (3 credit)

Additional Courses in CMST

  • At least 2 more courses in emphasis at the 7000 level (6 credits)
  • At least 1 more course in another area at 7000 level (3 credits)
  • At least 2 more courses in emphasis at the 4000 or 7000 level (6 credits)

External Study Requirement 

  • At least 3 courses outside of dept. (9 credits)

Additional course

  • At least 1 more course in or out of CMST at 7000 level (3 credits)

M.A. credits (exclusive of independent study & thesis credits) 30 credits maximum

CMST 9000: Dissertation Research (9 hours; does not count towards total) = 72 (73) credits