
Pathways for CMST Majors

Your journey with communication begins here!  Communication Studies is a convergent field where you may explore business communication, personal relationships, arts, culture, performance, social justice, and advocacy.  You may choose your own adventure.  Pathways are a metaphor for the kinds of journeys you may take as a communication studies major or minor.  In each of the following pathways, we offer suggested courses, but the choice is truly yours.

You may mix and match classes or you can follow suggested courses.  Click on the name of the pathway to see a detailed list of courses and student profiles. 

Advocacy & Social Justice

Human communication is central to action and advocacy in our communities. Explore how communication is used to build social movements, campaigns and communities; analyze power relationships in society; and finally, discover how communication can be used to create a more just world. 

Art & Culture

Cultures achieve their identities through everyday actions and artistic pursuits. Explore communication theories and performance methods to understand and create art and culture. Learn about rituals like weddings and baby showers, festivals, popular fashion and music trend.

Workplace Communication

Employers consistently expect quality communication skills in employees.  Explore how our communication at work helps build skills desired by today’s employers.  Learn how to communicate with customers and clients, in work groups and committees, and in leadership positions.  

Communication in Human Relationships

All relationships are built and some are destroyed through communication. Explore ideas for creating and maintaining healthy human relationships by learning how to truly listen, speak to and understand one another through research-based and practical applications.

Visual & Mediated Communication

Viral videos, hashtags, memes, and social media are part of the communication landscape. Explore new technologies and how they change the way we communicate examining approaches to visual, cultural, and mediated communication.

Create your Own Pathway 

Create a pathway in Communication Studies based on your interests and goals.

Most employers (71% in one study) cite communication as an essential skill.  Workers agree; 87% say communication skills are very important for their jobs. By comparison, only 50% rate computer skills as very important.