
Research Participation System

The Department of Communication Studies maintains an excellent reputation for research and scholarship, as well as for teaching. Types of research that faculty and students pursue include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research; interpretive and critical; textual, historical, ethnographic, and live performance.

One type of research relies on student participation in surveys and experiments, thereby enabling investigators to collect and analyze a large quantity of data. In Communication Studies, certain courses require students to participate in such research; other courses permit participation for extra credit. Please check with your instructor or check your course syllabus to see if participation is required or voluntary before you sign up for a study.

To expedite the process for recruiting and crediting students for research participation, the department uses an online system (Research Participation System).

The Research Participation System provides an easy online method for you to sign up for research (only research conducted by Department members), to keep track of earned credit, and to allocate credits to your various courses.


To sign up for or create research, log in to the

STUDENTS should watch  and read RPS-Instructions for Students

RESEARCHERS should watch and read RPS - Instructions for Researchers for details on how to set up your studies in the system.