
Dissertation and Thesis Titles

Name Title Year PhD or MA
Sell Yourself: Building a Foundational Structure Around an Institution's Position in the College Application Process 2018 PhD
Enriching or Depleting: An Investigation of Communication and Behavior Within the Family Business 2008 PhD
Volatile Congregations: Crisis Sensemaking in a Southern Baptist Church 2013 PhD
Creating Meaning in Organizational Change: A Case in Higher Education 2005 PhD
A Comparison of Dominance and Affiliation Ratings Based on Emotional State, Sex, and Status 2006 MA
Under Construction: Recollecting the Museum of the Moving Image 2009 PhD
Walden Pond and the Performative Touristic Gaze 2008 MA
AMD&ART: Performativity and Participation in Ecological Remediation 2012 PhD
Equipment for Dying: A Dramatistic Critique of Heroism and the Crises Assaulting Returning Soldiers 2015 PhD
The Discipline and Disciplining of Margaret Sanger: US Birth Control Rhetoric in the Early Twentieth Century 2004 PhD
China's 20th Century Sophist: Analysis of Hu Shi's Ethics, Logic, and Pragmatism 2012 PhD
The Repertoire of Understanding: The Linguistic Patterning of Repetition and Alignment within Supportive Conversations 2016 PhD
When We Break Bread Together: Perceptions of Consensus Amongst Queer Organizers


Audiating the LSU Drumline: An Ethnographic Performance 2004 MA
The White Bicycle: Performance, Installation Art, and Activism in Ghost Bike Memorials 2017 PhD
Toward a New Understanding of Wisdom: The Role of Communication on Perceptions of Wisdom 2007 PhD
When Shakespeare Meets Al Gore: Imagined Interactions, Communication Competence, and Immediacy in Traditional and Online-Based Distance Education 2008 PD
Teacher Matters: Teacher Normative Influence and Student Persistence in College 2014 PhD
Performing Toilets: Putting Matter Into Place 2011 PhD
Paul Tillich's Communication Theology and the Rhetoric of Existentialism 2014 MA
One Rhizome, Two Unstoppable Blossoms: Environmental Communication and Ecological Rhetoric 2008 PhD
When the Saints Go Marching In: An Ethnography of Volunteer Tourism in Post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans 2011 PhD
A House Performs 2008 PhD
From Guerrilla Theater to Media Warfare Abbie Hoffman's Riotous Revolution in America: A Myth 2003 MA
Communicating While Stimulated: The Effects of Sensory-Processing Sensitivity on Behavior and Relationships 2012 PhD
A Rhetoric of Existentialism 2008  PhD
Masada Performances: The Contested Identities of Touristic Spaces 2013 PhD
Performing Folk Punk: Agonistic Performances of Intersectionality 2013 PhD
The Rhetorical Myth of the Athlete as a Moral Hero: The Implications of Steroids in Sport and the Threatened Myth 2008 PhD
Mapping a Beat Repertoire: Recovering Everyday Life Performances of the Women of the Beat Generation 2017 PhD
What Every New Coach Should Know: Analysis of Coaches' Goals for Organizational Entry/Assimilation, through the Goals-Plans-Action Theory and Socioemotional Selectivity Theory 2016 MA
Performing Nostalgia: Body, Memory, and the Aesthetics of Past-Home 2012 PhD
Typewriters Typing Typist: A Performance History 2009 MA
Performing Joseph Cornell's Chronotopes of Assemblage 2014 PhD
Efficacy of Genres in Training Videos for Emergency First Responders 2011 MA
"I Listen to Their Story, They Listen to My Comments, and Then I Pocket My Fee:" Sherlock Holmes as Rhetorical Equipment for Living 2016 PhD
Sport Team Fandom, Arousal, and Communication: A Multimethod Comparison of Sport Team Identification with Psychological, Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, and Physiological Measures 2013 PhD
Cultural Performance of Roadside Shrines: A Poststructural Postmodern Ethnography 2005 PhD
From the Mountains to the Podium: The Rhetoric of Fidel Castro 2008 PhD
A Performance Genealogy of "Etchings of Debutantes" 2004 MA
Performing Photographs: Memory, History, and Display 2008 PhD
Modes of Cartoon Corporeal Performance 2019 PhD
Writing William Burroughs, Performing the Archive 2011 PhD
Strutting It Up Through Histories: A Performance Genealogy of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade 2009 PhD
Thoreau's Melancholia, Walden's Friendship, and Queer Agency 2017 PhD
The Operational Aesthetic in the Performance of Professional Wrestling 2005 MA
The Relationship between Forgiveness, Imagined Interactions, Empathy and Relational Satisfaction among Long-Distance Romantic Couples 2013 PhD
Raptivism: the Act of Hip Hop’s Counterpublic Sphere Forming into a Social Movement to Seize its Political Opportunities 2014 PhD
A Narrative and Performative Methodology for Understanding Adolescent Cancer Stories 2018 PhD
After Images: Using Augusto Boal's Image Theatre to Balance Artistry, Analysis, and Activism in the Performance Composition Process 2016 PhD
The Devil Made Her Do It: Three Horror Film Case Studies in the Exorcism Subgenre 2014 PhD
The American Counter-Monumental Tradition: Renegotiating Memory and the Evolution of American Sacred Space 2011 PhD
'Post Your Version Here!' Performances in/of Online, Noncommercial, Video-to-Video Adaptations 2014 PhD
Effects of Gender Role on the Judgment of Masculine Signs 2005 PhD
Rhetoric and Food: The Rise of the Food Truck Movement 2015 PhD
Re-Conceptualizing Southern Rhetoric: A Meta-Critical Pespective 2005 PhD
Staging the Voice: Towards a Critical Vocal Performance Pedagogy 2014 PhD
There’s a Skid Row Everywhere, and This is Just the Headquarters: Impacts of Urban Revitalization Policies in the Homeless Community of Skid Row 2016 PhD
“Do It for Me, My Dear:” Structuration and Relational Dialectics among Mother-Daughter Dyads in Lebanese Arranged Marriages 2010 PhD
A Study of Communication in Baby Boomers' Romantic Relationships and the Effects of their Children's Communication about the Relationships 2010 PhD
Questing with Grandma: Building Closer Families Through Intergenerational Video Gaming 2017 PhD
Examining Electronic Medical Records System Adoption and Implications for Emergency Medicine Practice and Providers 2015 PhD
Causes and Consequences of Conflict: Exploring the Influence of Honor-Based Norms and Values on the Experience of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States 2013 PhD
The Discursive Practices of Chemical Discipline 2006 MA
Third-Party Imagined Interactions: Expanding Imagined Interactions as False Memories in Understanding Interactions 2009 PhD
Processes and/of Performance: Difference, Memory, and Experimentation. 2008 PhD
The National D-Day Museum as Mystory Praxis 2004 MA
The Effects of Sex and Context on Students' Interpretation of Teachers' High Immediacy Messages 2005 PhD
Method and Madness at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 2010 PhD
Reinhold Niebuhr's Ethics of Rhetoric 2012 PhD
To Speak as a Human, a Modern and as an American: Blues Rhetoric in Cornel West's Prophetic Pragmatism 2013 MA
The Rhetoric of Sickle Cell Anemia 2019 PhD
The Twin Taboos of Discussing Religion and Politics: A Study of Six "Basic" Emotions and Interpersonal Relationships in Response to Rick Perry's "Strong" 2014 PhD
Uncomfortable Performances: Discovering a Subversive Scenario for Rape Discourse 2007 MA
Verbal and Nonverbal Immediacy: Sex Differences and International Teaching Assistants 2005 PhD
An Archive of Pain: In Queer Suicide's Cultural Wake 2019 PhD
Similarities and Differences in Self-Disclosure and Friendship Development between Face-to-Face Communication and Facebook 2010 PhD
If We're "Over," Is It Really Over?: How Past Romantic Relationships Impact Subsequent Relationships 2019 PhD
Performing Selfhoods in U.S. Rituals of Private and Public Spheres 2011 PhD
Mark Twain, James Thurber, and David Sedaris: American Literary Humorists 2015 PhD
Methodological Lagniappe: A Walk in Representations of the Red Stick Farmers Market 2007 MA
Dance Dance Attribution: Exploring the Relationship between Dance and Attractiveness in Initial Perceptions 2009 MA
This House Would Ethically Engage: A Critical Examination of Competitor and Coach Leadership in National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA) Debate 2008 PhD
The Rhetorical Strategies of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza 2013 PhD
Spalding Gray and the Slippery Slope of Confessional Performance 2005 MA
The Myth of Charismatic Leadership and Rhetoric of Crypto-Charismatic Membership 2004 PhD
Jack Kerouac's Spontaneous Prose: A Performance Genealogy of the Fiction 2006 PhD
A Critical Ethnography of The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana with Ruminations on Hauntology 2012 PhD
Advice in Troubles Talk Conversations Between Strangers: The Role of Problem Seriousness and the Impact of Advice on Helper Supportiveness and the Desire for Future Interactions 2012 MA
Relational Effects of Person-Centered Comfort 2016 PhD
An Ethnography of "Hang It Out To Dry" 2009 PhD
Eight is Not Enough: A Historical, Cultural, and Philosophical Analysis of the Flash Mob 2011 PhD
Screening TED: A rhetorical analysis of the intersections of rhetoric, digital media, and pedagogy 2014 PhD
Composing a Method: Écriture Féminine as Performance Practice 2012 PhD
Detecting deception: The diagnostic utility of unanticipated questions 2017 MA
Get in Your Posse: An Exploratory Study of Semester-Long Small Groups in Public Speaking Courses 2019 PhD
Relational Red Flags: Detecting Undesirable Qualities in Initial Romantic Encounters 2016 PhD
Regarding Suicide: A Textually Informed Rhetorical and Psychoanalytic Construct of the State of Disconstituency, Disconstitutive Rhetoric, and the Disconstituent as Related to the Constitutive Rhetorical Structure of the Vanishing Subject 2015 PhD