
Lambda Pi Eta 

Lamda Pi Eta 2015

Lambda Pi Eta is the honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA) dedicated to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies. The Society is an officially recognized National Honor Society by the Association of College Honor Societies. 

The students of Lambda Pi Eta represent the best and brightest of CMST majors and minors and are selected to join LPE because of their academic accomplishments: a 3.0+ overall GPA, a 3.25+ GPA in 12+ semester credit hours of CMST coursework, and a ranking in the highest thirty-fifth percent of their respective classes in general scholarship.

Members enjoy professional development benefits such as a teleconference series that features topics such as leadership, creating a vision, and identifying goals; eligibility for awards; and the ability to participate in different NCA functions, publications, conference calls, awards, and the NCA annual conference. 

For more information about majoring or minoring in Communication Studies or about Lamba Pi Eta, contact the organization’s advisor, Dr. Joni Butcher (jbutche@lsu.edu).