
Art and Culture

Recommended Courses

1061 Fundamentals of Communication
1150 Introduction to Communication Studies
2040 Introduction to Performing Literature
2012 Introduction to Film
3012 History of Film
3012 Topics in Film Genres
3040 Performance Composition
3041 Performance in Everyday Life
3106 Communication and Power
3107 Rhetoric of Contemporary Media
3115 Communication and Gender
3118 Intercultural Communication
3167 Rhetoric and Civilization
4107 Communication as Culture
4140 Analysis and Performance of Poetry
4141 Analysis and Performance of Narrative
4142 Selected Topics in Performance Studies
4143 Performance of Southern Fiction
4144 Performance Art
4145 Group Performance
4147 Body Performance Culture
4150 Tourism as Communication and Performance
4167 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
4168 Rhetoric and the Arts
4200 Practicum in Communication Studies


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