
Dr Joni Butcher

Dr. Joni Butcher 

Distinguished Senior Instructor

Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication, LSU 1990
Master of Arts in Speech Communication, LSU 1994
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies, LSU 2003
Phone: 225-578-6837
E-mail: jbutche@lsu.edu
Office: 131 Coates Hall

Curriculum Vita

Areas of Interest

Television studies, media performance, and popular culture

Research & Teaching

My research interests include television and popular culture. I am particularly interested in TV sitcoms. I also serve as a faculty member for the Screen Arts department and am a member of the Screen Arts steering committee.

Undergraduate Courses

CMST 1061: Fundamental Communication Skills
CMST 2060: Public Speaking
CMST 3107: Rhetoric of Contemporary Media
HSS 1000: Introduction to Research for Freshmen Pursuing a Humanities and Social Science Major

Awards & Honors

Tiger Athletic Fund Undergraduate Teaching Award 2016

Selected Publications

Butcher, Joni. Fundamental Communication Skills. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2020.

Butcher, Joni. The 5 Pathways of Communication. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2014.

Crick, Nathan, Pecchioni, Loretta, & Butcher, Joni. Deconstructing Communication: An Introduction to Rhetorical, Performance and Communication Theory. Pearson Custom Publishing, 2007.