
Kent Filbel

Kent Filbel

Senior Instructor, Undergraduate Advisor

Master's Degree:  Oregon State University
Phone:  (225) 578-6719
E-mail:  kfilli@lsu.edu
Office:  135 Coates Hall
Office Hours:  MWF 10:30-11:20, MWF 3:30-4:30, TTH 10:00-12:00

Curriculum Vita

Areas of Interest

Ancient Greek Religion and Rhetoric

Gay Spiritualities and Rhetoric

Silent Film Comedy

Awards and Honors

Andrew King Award for Excellence (2017)

Guest lectured in REL 4050:  A History of God (2015)

Senior Instructor (2014 – present)

Dean Selection Committee, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (2014)

CMST Advisory Committee (2014 – present)

Faculty Appreciation certificate – Sigma Phi Epsilon (2013)


CMST 1150: Introduction to Communication Studies (2)

CMST 2064: Small Group Communication

CMST 3013: Topics In Film Genres:  Camp, Kitsch, and Trash