Research Grant Opportunities
Juneau Family Child Speech and Language Research Fund
LSU students who are enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program and faculty with full-time appointments in COMD are eligible to apply for research support funds for research activities that focus on children with speech and/or language delays and disorders.
LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Grant
Each semester, LSU Discover funds at least 10 undergraduate student research or creative projects. The purpose of these grants is to provide students a learning opportunity through participation in faculty-mentored projects. Students from any major are welcome to apply. With an LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Project Grant, currently enrolled, full-time LSU undergraduate students can receive funding for hourly wages, supplies, and travel related to an undergraduate research or creative project. Students must have an LSU employed faculty member serve as their supervisor and sign their time-sheets.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites master's and doctoral students to compete for the Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development, supported by the Arlene M. and Noel D. Matkin Memorial Fund.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) supports collaborative studies that will increase knowledge to improve services for individuals with communication disorders. This grant is intended for partnerships of researchers (with a PhD or equivalent research doctorate in CSD or related discipline) and practitioners (with a degree in audiology, speech-language pathology or related field).