
Course Descriptions

1751 COMD Goes to the Movies (3) Introduction to the diverse communication disorders and differences served by the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology (SLP&A) through movies, including how reality may differ from stereotypes. 

2050 Introduction to Language (3) This is a General Education course. This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit. Also offered as LING 2050. Linguistic study of the principal interrelated levels of language structure: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics; related topics such as writing systems and dialects.

2051 Introduction to Manual Communication (4) Basic linguistic structure, educational and cultural aspects and reading and transmitting messages in manual communication systems; American Sign Language as well as English-based systems.

2081 Introduction to Communication Disorders (3) Required initial course for undergraduates concentrating in speech pathology and audiology. Observations in Speech and Hearing Clinic required. Processes involved in speech production; definition, description, and incidence of speech and hearing disorders; overview of the profession, including agencies, related professionals, job opportunities, publications, professional associations, and certification.

3057 Research Methods for COMD  (3) Introduction to scientific literature and research methods employed in studies of human communication development and disorders across the lifespan.

3150 Phonetics (3)  Also offered as LING 4150. Prereq.: COMD 2050. Principles of phonemics; articulatory phonetics; description and classification of sounds; transcription at different levels of detail; production and perception.

4153 Acoustics of Speech and Hearing (4)  3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Also offered as LING 4153. Prereq.: COMD 2050 or equivalent. Production, transmission, and perception of speech acoustics in communication; acoustic phonetics and psycho-acoustics.

4190 Introduction to Audiology (3) Prereq.: COMD 2081 and credit or registration in COMD 4153. Interaction of hearing and speech, effects of hearing loss on speech and language development, types of hearing loss, and evaluation processes.

4250 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing (3) Prereq.: COMD 2050.  Functional anatomy of structures associated with speech production and reception.

4380 Speech and Language Development (4) 3 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. lab. Also offered as LING 4380. Language acquisition and behavior, language and cognitive development, verbal learning and structural properties of speech; theories of language development in the normal child.

4381 Speech Sound Disorders in Children (3) Prereq.: COMD 2081 and COMD 4150. Introduction to articulatory physiology, development, etiology, evaluation, and treatment of disorders.

4382 Basic Language Disorders of Children (3) Prereq.: COMD 4380 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Differential diagnosis and remediation of major language disorders of children.

4383 Basic Fluency Disorders (3) Prereq.: COMD 4381 or equivalent. For clinical practicum take COMD 4683, COMD 4684, or COMD 4685. Stuttering and allied disorders; emphasis on symptomatology, testing, rehabilitation, and prevention.

4590 Auditory Rehabilitation in Children (3) Prereq.: COMD 4153, COMD 4190. Methods of management including modes of communication, auditory and speech-reading training, amplification issues, early identification and intervention, and educational placement.

4681 Clinical Preparation and Observation Laboratory (2) 2 hrs. lab. For majors in communication sciences and disorders. Study of clinic rules and procedures, codes of ethics; observation of various types of therapy and evaluation.

4683 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each) Prereq.:Credit in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language, and hearing disorders.

4684 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each) Prereq.:Credits in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language, and hearing disorders.

4685 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each) Prereq.:Credits in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language, or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language, and hearing disorders.

4750 Independent Research in Speech Science or Linguistics (1-3) Also offered as LING 4750. May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. of credit.  Readings in speech science or linguistics directed by a senior faculty member.

4751 Special Topics in Communication Disorders (3) May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. undergraduate or graduate credit when topics vary.

4752 Survey of Adult Neurogenic Communication Disorders (3) Prereq.: COMD 2050. Biopsychosocial model of health provides structure for the study of basic neuroanatomy, assessment, treatment, and social consequences of adult neurogenic communication disorders.

4753 Undergraduate Seminar in Speech Perception (3) Prereq.: COMD 4190. Not for graduate credit. Introduction to problems in speech perception across the human lifespan, in both typical and atypical listeners.

4754 Bilingual Language Development and Disorders (3) Prereq.: COMD 4382. Nature of bilingual language development as well as language and reading disorders of bilingual children.

4755 Autism and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3)  This introductory course is designed to familiarize students with basic knowledge of the speech-language pathologist’s role in evidence-based diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy of individuals with autism and those using AAC.The speech-language pathologist's role in diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy of individuals with autism and those using AAC.