Ronald E. McNair Research Scholars
Alexus Crawford, B.A. (2020) ​​​
51Âþ», B.A., Speech-Language Pathology, 2020
McNair Project: Microaggressive Behavior Towards People who Stutter
McNair Mentor: Geoffrey Coalson, Ph.D.
Senea Diaz, B.A. (2019) ​​​
51Âþ», B.A., Speech-Language Pathology, 2019
The University of Texas at Austin, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Master's Program (class
of 2022)
McNair Project: The Prevalence of ADHD Traits in Adults who Stutter
McNair Mentor: Geoffrey Coalson, Ph.D.
Hailey Guillot, M.A., (2018)
51Âþ», M.A., Speech-Language Pathology, 2017
Speech Pathologist Aide at the Emerge Center, Baton Rouge, LA
McNair Project: Language Proficiency and Nonword Recall in Multilingual Adults Who Stutter
McNair Mentor: Geoffrey Coalson, Ph.D.
Lillian Dang, M.A. (2017)
51Âþ», M.A., CF-SLP, Speech-Language Pathology, 2020
Clinician at Alliance Therapy, Gonzalez, LA.
McNair Project: The Influence of Segmental and Metrical Complexity During Nonword Repetition in Adults
Who Stutter
McNair Mentor: Geoffrey Coalson, Ph.D.
Cornetta Mosley, Au.D., Ph.D. CCC-A (2011)
University of Washington, Ph.D., Au.D., Speech and Hearing Science, 2019
Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing at the University of South Alabama, Mobile,
McNair Project: Assessing the Effects of Talker Variability on Story Comprehension in Adults
McNair Mentor: Brittan Barker, Ph.D.
Kaylah Lalonde, Ph.D. (2009)
Indiana University, Ph.D., Speech and Hearing Sciences, 2014
Director of Audiovisual Speech Processing Laboratory at the Boys Town National Research
Hospital, Omaha, NE
McNair Project: Individual's Cajun Dialect Across Three Contexts (2007)
McNair Mentor: Janna Oetting, Ph.D. (2007)
McNair Project: Effect of Dichotic Interaural Intensity Difference training on children's (C)APD. (2009)
McNair Mentor: Wendy Jumonville, M.S. (2009)