
MA Course Descriptions

7153 Research Design in Communication Science and Disorders (3)  Empirical research design problems in speech and hearing; emphasis on measurement validity and reliability.

7281 Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders (3)  Neuroscience, assessment, and treatment of acquired neurogenic language disorders (aphasia and dementia).

7282 Acquired Neurogenic Cognitive-Communicative Disorders(3) Neuroscience, assessment, and treatment of acquired neurogenic cognitive communicative disorders (TBI and RHD).

7381 Language and Learning Disorders (3) Prereq.: COMD 4382. Language disorders and the communicative aspect of language; current research and treatment models for language intervention; the relationship between language and learning; emphasis on school-aged child.

7382 Voice Disorders (3) Incidence, etiology, concomitant problems; assessment and management of vocal dysphonias, aphonias, and laryngectomees.

7383 Cleft Palate/Orofacial Disorders (3) Prereq.: COMD 4250, COMD 4380. Orofacial anatomy, physiology and embryology; etiology and classification of orofacial cleft; surgical, dental, speech, hearing, and psychosocial concomitants and their management.

7384 Early Communicative Intervention (3) Prereq.: COMD 4382 or equivalent. For clinical practicum, take COMD 7684 or COMD 7685. Cognitive, social, and environmental conditions associated with “high risk” for communicative disorders; intervention approaches (prevention, evaluation, direct stimulation of child-caregiver interactions) and service delivery models (home-based, center-based).

7385 Neuropathologies of Speech (3) Prereq.: COMD 4250, COMD 4381, or equivalent. Physiological and anatomical bases of dysarthria, apraxia, and related speech disorders due to neuropathology in the adult population; emphasis on diagnosis, description, and clinical management.

7480 Measurement and Diagnosis of Communication Disorders (3) Psychological and behavioral measurement of communicative functioning and treatment planning for common speech/language disorders.

7683 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each) Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).

7684 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each) Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).

7685 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each) Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).

7750 Special Topics in Linguistics (3) Also offered as LING 7750May be taken two times for credit for the master’s degree and four times for the doctorate when topics vary. Topics to be announced.

7756 Independent Research: Phonetics and Linguistics (1-3) Also offered as LING 7756Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation. 

7780 Seminar in Communicative Disorders (3) Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be repeated for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Selected topics in communicative disorders.

7781 Independent Research: Speech Science (1-3) Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.

7782 Individual Research in Communication Disorders (1-12) Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.

7783 Dysphagia (3) Prereq.: COMD 4250. Characteristics, assessment, and management of swallowing disorders in children and adults occurring secondary to neurological or structural deficits.

7784 Augmentative and Assertive Communication (3) The course is designed to teach students why, when, and how augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and related assistive technology can be used to aid individuals with complex communication needs.

7880 Advanced Seminar in Language Disorders (3) Theory, contemporary issues, and research related to language disorders as a method of inquiry and intervention; evaluation of research methodology.

7882 Advanced Individual Research in Communication Science and Disorders (1-6) Prereq.: admission to Ph.D. program and consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit. Research topics ancillary or extraneous to dissertation research.

8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.) â€śS”/”U” grading.

9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.) â€śS”/”U” grading.