
FAQs about the MA Program

Application Process

What is the average GRE of students accepted into the MA program? 

  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
GRE Mean 1079 1205 304 304 305.9 304 303 300 305 301 waived
GRE Range 900-1250 1030-1510 290-320 294-331 300-334 293-323 292-319 281-314 288-322 285-321 waived

What is the average cumulative GPA of students accepted in the MA program? 

  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
GPA Mean 3.60 3.60 3.66 3.62 3.59 3.60 3.64 3.80 3.81 3.67 3.76
GPA Range 2.98-4.0 2.96-4.0 3.0-4.0 2.9-4.0 3.0-4.0 3.09-4.0 3.07-4.0 3.5-4.0 3.08-4.27 3.02-4.12 2.97-4.30

How many students apply and are accepted into the MA program each year?

In the past four years, we have increased our faculty (12 Ph.D.; 10 supervisory) and our facility.  We are now recruiting an incoming class of 35-40 students, up from 25 in the past.  In the past three years, approximately 150-170 students have applied each year.  We accept more than our target number anticipating that some applicants will decide to pursue a degree elsewhere.

Is the application process online or paper?

As of 2011, the application process is online and accessed through LSU’s graduate schools website. LSU requires a personal statement and three letters of recommendation. When students apply online, they are asked to provide the names and emails of their letter writers. Once this is complete, LSU emails the writers a link to load their recommendation letters. We DO NOT have a special form for letter writers to complete.

When do you accept students for the MA program?

We accept applications from students for fall enrollment only.  Spring enrollment is by invitation.  No summer enrollment is offered.

What are my chances of getting a scholarship or fellowship?

Almost all funds are given to Ph.D. students; however, occasionally, MA students are hired as research assistants by faculty members who have secured external funding from a grant. Once accepted, students are encouraged to contact individual faculty members about available funds. Ideally, students should contact faculty who are doing work that relates to their interests.

When is the deadline for applying?

The department deadline is January 15th. If this date falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following Monday.

Must I have an undergraduate degree in communication disorders in order to be accepted into the MA program?

Each year, approximately 13% of the accepted students do not have an undergraduate degree in the major.  Students who are admitted with few or none of the prerequisite courses are Fast-Tracked to complete the necessary prerequisites within one year or less.

MA Course Outline

What is the average length of the program?

For students with a COMD BA or BS degree, the program takes two years plus a full summer (intersession and regular session) in between the two years. However, a student may elect to extend his or her program of study by a semester or more if circumstances warrant this accommodation.

How many courses and clinics do students typically take?

In the first year, students with a COMD BA or BS take 3 courses and 3 clinics each semester. In the summer, students take one course and 1-2 clinics. In the second year, students take 1-3 courses and 3 or more clinics each semester.

If accepted, is it possible for me to attend part-time?

No. The MA program is extremely labor-intensive and courses and clinics are scheduled in blocks that require full-time status. Courses and clinics also cannot be scheduled at times that fit a student’s work schedule. However, students are often able to work 10-20 hours a week in a faculty member’s lab. Some students are also able to secure a 20-hour weekly student assistantship on campus if the employer is willing to be highly flexible.

Will I be given a graduate advisor to help with planning and scheduling?

Two faculty members co-advise the first-year students, two co-advise the second-year students, and two co-advise students who do not have a COMD BA or BS degree. Assignment to your advisors occurs during a three-day orientation that we have for new graduate students every August (usually the Wed – Friday before classes start).

Do you require a thesis as part of the MA degree?

We offer students a thesis and non-thesis option for the MA degree. Students who choose to complete a thesis, register for 6 hours of thesis credit in their second year. For these students, the written thesis and oral defense of the thesis serve as their general examination for the MA degree. Students who choose the non-thesis option, register for 6 additional credits of course work and turn in two scholarly papers in April. These documents are usually a revised draft of their research design paper (the initial draft is written in the summer during the research design course) and a paper from one of the seminars they took in their second year. These papers serve as the students’ general examination for the MA degree.

How many students complete a thesis?

We list all theses on our website. If you visit this site, you will see that the number varies. Typically, fewer than five students complete a thesis each year.

For more information contact admissionscomd@lsu.edu