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Melda Kunduk, Ph.D, CCC-SLP


79 Hatcher Hall

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Academic Degrees

2004 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

1990 MsC. City University, London, England

1982 B.s.C Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey



Dr. Kunduk joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor at 51Âţ»­- Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (LSU-COMD) in Baton Rouge in 2006. She is also an adjunct faculty at the LSU Health Sciences Center/Department of Otolaryngology –Head and Neck Surgery and The Our Lady of The Lake Regional Medical Center –Voice Center. She teaches the graduate courses on voice and resonance disorders, dysphagia, cleft palate and a graduate level seminar in the area of voice and swallowing disorders. She is the Director of the Laryngeal Imaging Research Laboratory, which is located within the Department.

Her research focus is to further the assessment and treatment techniques of voice and swallowing disorders in clinical practice. In the area of voice, she investigates the vocal fold vibratory function using High-Speed Digital Videoendoscopy (HSV) in normal and disordered voices. The HSV allows objective quantification of current endoscopic voice parameters and has the potential to introduce new ones to advance the study of vocal function. In the area of dysphagia, she investigates the effects of behavioral treatment on swallowing function following head and neck cancer treatment modalities. She also interested in developing clinician and/or patient friendly analyses and therapeutic tools in order to aid the assessments and treatment of voice and swallowing disorders. She and her colleagues at LSU developed the “ Voice Volume Monitor Device”. The purpose of the Voice Volume Monitor is to enable patients to regulate their vocal intensity in an unobtrusive manner. To achieve her research goals, Dr. Kunduk established a multidisciplinary research team consisting of experts within and outside the discipline of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Her research team that includes local and international collaborators, who have backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Medicine (Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Laryngology).


Louisiana Board of Regents / Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
(EBSCoR)-Co-P.I. Towards the Commercialization of a Phonatory Feedback Device for
Individuals with Speech Disorders: Second-Generation Prototype Development.
Funded 7/1/2011-7/1/2012, $20,000

LSUHSC-Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery-Post Doctoral Fellow
Position Support-P.I.
Funded 7/1 2011-7/1/2013, $106,000

LSU-College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Funding– P.I.
Differential diagnosis of adductor spasmodic dysphonia and voice tremor using high-speed digital
Imaging and Phonovibrography.
Funded, 7/1/2011-8/1/2011, $9,000


Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Yan Y., Ahmad K., Kunduk M., Bless D. Analysis of Vocal Fold Vibrations from High-Speed Laryngeal Images Using a Hilbert Transform –Based Methodology. J. Voice, 2005, 9(2): 161-175.

Kunduk M., Yan Y., McWhorter A., Bless D. Investigation of Voice Initiation and Voice Offset Characteristics with High-Speed Digital Imaging. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 2006 October; 31(3): 139-44.

Lohscheller J., Döllinger M., McWhorter A., Kunduk M. Quantitative Analysis of Vocal Loading Effects on Vocal Fold dynamics Using Phonovibrograms. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 2008 July; 117 (7): 484-93.

Döllinger M., Lohscheller J., McWhorter A., Kunduk M. Variability of Normal Vocal Fold Dynamics for Different Vocal Loading Investigated by Phonovibrograms. J Voice, 2009, 23(2): 175-81.

LeBert B., McWhorter AJ., Kunduk M., Hessel AC., Lewin JS., Hutcheson KA., Barringer DA., Walvekar RR., Holsinger C. Office-based Tracheoesophageal Puncture with Transnasal Esophagoscopy in Total Laryngectomy Patients With or Without Free-Flap Reconstruction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 December; 135(12):1190-4.

Kunduk M., McWhorter AJ. True Vocal Fold Nodules: The Role of Differential Diagnosis. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 December; 17(6): 449-52. Review.

Durel J., J Gaudet J., Kunduk M., McWhorter AJ. Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Malignancies of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract. ORL Clinics: An International Journal. 2010 Jan; 2(1) 95-105. Review.

Donovan NJ., Juengling-Sudkamp J., Kunduk M. A Review of Health Behavior Theories and Their Applicability to Dysphagia Treatment. Journal of Medical Speech and Language pathology Health forum. Journal of Medical Speech Pathology, 2010, 18(1): 1-12. Review.

Kunduk M., Döllinger M., McWhorter A., Lohscheller J. Assessment of the Variability of Vocal Fold Dynamics Within and Between Recordings with High-Speed Imaging and by Phonovibrogram. Laryngoscope, 2010 May; 120(5): 981-7.

Kunduk M., Appel K., Tunc M., Alanoglu Z., Alkis N., Dursun G., Ozgursoy O. Preliminary Report of Laryngeal Phonation During Mechanical Ventilation Using the BlomR Tracheostomy Tube with a fully inflated cuff” Respiratory Care, 2010 December; 55(12): 1661-1670.

Gish A., Kunduk M., Simms L., McWhorter AJ. “Vocal Warm-Up Practices and Perceptions in Vocalists: A Pilot Survey”. J Voice (in press).

Blech A, Patel R., Kunduk M., Eysholdt U., Graf S. Clinical Analysis Methods of Voice Disorders. Journal Current Bioinformatics (in press). Review.

Wei Z de Queiroz M., Chen J., Gunturk B., Kunduk M. A new Model of Vocal Fold Vibrations: Preliminary Experimental Validation. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Arlington, VA. Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2011.

Book Chapters

Arriaga M., Hall C., Nuss D., Kunduk M. Temporal Bone Resection. In; Salivary Gland Tumors. (eds) Myers EN and Ferris R. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.

Samlan R., Gartner-Schmidt J., Kunduk M. Visual Documentation of Larynx, Chapter 57.Cummings/ otolaryngology head and Neck Surgery, Fifth Edition. (Eds) Paul W. Flint, MD, Bruce H. Haughey, MBChB, FACS, FRACS, Mark A. Richardson, MD, K. Thomas Robbins, MD, J. Regan Thomas, MD, John K. Niparko, MD, and Valerie Lund, MD. Elsevier Publishing, 2010.

Döllinger M., Lohscheller J., Svec J., McWhorter A., Kunduk M. Support Vector Machine Classification of Vocal Fold Vibrations Based on Phonovibrogram Features. Advances in Vibration Analysis Research, Ed: Farzad Ebrahimi, ISBN: 978-953-307-209-8, Publisher: In Tech, 2011, 435-456. Online: 

Loehn B., Kunduk M., McWhorter AJ. Advacnced Cancer Larynx, Chapter 122. In Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, 5th Edition, Eds. Bailey BJ. & Johnson JY. Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. (In press).