
Bijoyaa Mohapatra Picture

Bijoyaa Mohapatra

Assistant Professor

71 Hatcher Hall

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Academic Degrees and Certifications

Ph.D. Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Georgia, Athens

Interdisciplinary Certificate in University Teaching, University of Georgia, Athens

M.S. Speech Language Pathology, University of Mysore, India                                               

B.Sc. Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, University of Calcutta, India



Research Interests

Bijoyaa Mohapatra’s research interests are in psychophysiological measurement of cognitive behavior, biofeedback training, and mind-body complementary and integrative health practices in rehabilitation of adults with communication disorders following acquired brain injury. She combines behavioral (performance-based) and neural (functional near infrared spectroscopic imaging; fNIRS) measures to understand cognitive functioning in individuals with post-stroke aphasia. She is currently exploring the efficacy of remotely delivered group-based intervention practices and their impact on specific outcome measures such as life participation, personal identity, and communication environment in individuals with aphasia. She directs the Aphasia-Behavior-Communication (ABC) Research Lab at LSU.

Teaching Experience

  • Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders/ Aphasia
  • Cognitive Linguistic Disorders
  • Speech and Language Disorders
  • Neural Bases of Communication Disorders
  • Fundamentals of Speech and Voice Science

Honors and Achievements (representative)

  • Integrative Rehabilitation Research Mentoring & Career Development Fellowship, American Congress for Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), 2021
  • Interactive Mentoring to Enhance Research Skills (IMERS) program selected mentee-University of Kentucky, 2021-2022
  • Lessons for Success Protegee, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the ASHFoundation 2020 
  • College of Education Emerging Scholars recognition, New Mexico State University, 2017, 2021
  • Instructional Innovation and Quality- Quality in Distance Education Recognition, New Mexico State University, 2020 
  • Distinguished member recognition, Digital Learning and Teaching Academy, New Mexico State University, 2020-2021 
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Georgia, 2014
  • Emerging Leaders Program fellowship, University of Georgia, 2014
  • Certificate program in Global Leadership Institute, University of Georgia

Professional Affiliations/Memberships

  • Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
  • American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
  • Indian Speech and Hearing Association
  • Southwest Brain Injury Specialists

Publications(since 2017)

  1. Mohapatra, B. (2021). Hemodynamic Brain Responses During Working Memory Load Processing in Aphasia (No. 6521). In Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Aphasia.
  2. Mohapatra, B. & Mohan. R. (2021). A Proposed Framework for Increasing Racial and Ethnic Diversity in CSD Academic Programs: The REAP Model. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Group 10, Issues in Higher Education. 1-13. 
  3. Mohapatra, B. & Laures-Gore, J. (2021). Moving Toward Accurate Assessment of Working Memory in Adults with Neurogenically Based Communication Disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(3), 1292-1300. 
  4. Mohapatra, B. (2020). The Contribution of Cognition to the Rehabilitation of Language and Communication Deficits. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 27(11), 1-16. 
  5. Mohapatra, B. & Mohan, R. (2020). Speech-Language Pathologists’ Role in the Multi-Disciplinary Management and Rehabilitation of COVID-19 Patients. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine-Clinical Communications, 3: 1000037. (editor’s choice) 
  6. Mohapatra, B., & Marshall, R. S. (2020). Performance Differences Between Aphasia and Healthy Aging on an Executive Function Test Battery. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22(4), 487-497. 
  7. Mohan R. & Mohapatra, B. (2020). Shedding Light on Dysphagia Associated with COVID-19 - the What and Why? OTO Open- Journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, 4(2), 2473974X20934770. 
  8. Mohapatra, B. (2019). Exploring the Interaction of Executive Function and Language Processing in Adult Cognitive-Communication Disorders. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 4(3), 137-145. 
  9. Mohapatra, B. & Rout, N. (2019). Dysarthria Consequent to Cervical Spinal Cord Injury and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Damage: A Case Report. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine-Clinical Communications, 2: 1000022. 
  10. Mohapatra, B. & Marshall, R. S. (2019). Psychosomatic and Physical Well-Being Factors After Mind-Body Interventions in a Hospital Setting. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 33(3), 4-11. 
  11. Mohapatra, B. (2018). Heart Rate Variability During Stress Induced Cognitive Inhibition in Post-Stroke Aphasia. Psychophysiology, 55(S35). 
  12. Mohapatra, B. (2018). Affect and Autonomic Regulation: The Role of Biofeedback in Post-Stroke Aphasia. Psychophysiology, 55(S88). 
  13. Marshall, R.S. & Mohapatra, B. (2017). Integrative Intervention: A New Perspective and Brief Review in Aphasia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(19), 1999-2009.