Journal of Video Ethnography (JVE)

The Video Ethnography Lab collaborates with DePaul University to produce the (JVE). The Editor in Chief is Dr. Gregory Scott.


The aim of this journal is to advance the social scientific use of video/film as a method for exploring human society, systems, and cultures and as a medium for presenting the findings of those explorations.

JVE seeks to fill a gap in scholarly publishing and establish rigorous guidelines for evaluating and creating ethnographic film. Peer review is the fulcrum of scientific discourse; without it, standards and production guidelines will never materialize in an emerging field. All submissions to JVE will be peer-reviewed in a manner identical to and as rigorous as that of print journals.


JVE publishes ethnographic studies that feature video as a central methodological component and the primary form of output. JVE’s editors will not consider decontextualized “clips” or videos that require text documents to be understood.

Videos published in JVE address a social scientific research question or subject whose study is best undertaken by the collection and exhibition of videographic data, as opposed to studies where video/film is incidental or merely illustrative/supplemental.

Contact Information

Publisher: Journal of Video Ethnography, Social Science Research Center, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
Editor in Chief: Greg Scott
Email: editor@videoethno.com
Address: 990 W. Fullerton Ave., Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60614