
Audits and Accreditation

The LSU University Environmental Health and Safety Policy (PS-19) requires that University activities be conducted in accordance with OSHA standards. As such, LSU laboratories are subject to the OSHA Laboratory Standard (Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemical in Laboratories). This standard requires development and implementation of a Chemical Hygiene Plan. The LSU Chemical Hygiene Plan is found in Section VII of the Environmental, Health, & Safety Manual. This plan defines the requirements of laboratory operation at LSU, including chemical storage, personnel protection, labeling, communication requirements, and training. A fundamental aspect of the Chemical Hygiene Plan is laboratory inspections.

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has developed a program of laboratory self-assessments to be done at the beginning of each semester. The purpose of these inspections is to promote laboratory safety awareness and internal corrective actions. The Quick Assessment Forms (QAF) are to done in the spring and fall semesters and forwarded to EHS upon completion of the corrective actions. The QAF will be used as the first step in the accreditation program described below.  The link to the form is below.  BSL 1, 2 and 3 labs should go to the Biological Safety web page for their specific audit forms.

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety has developed a formal Laboratory Accreditation Program.  The purpose of the accreditation audit is to ensure that laboratories are safe and complying with environmental regulations.  Audits will be conducted by EHS and a formal report will be generated and sent to the PI and the department chair.  After any deficiencies are resolved, the PI will receive LSU Safety Accreditation for his laboratories.  Additional details of the process can be seen on the links below along with a copy of the audit form and a PowerPoint presentation describing how to get ready for the accreditation audit. A final report will be forwarded to Department management and the Director of EHS. Re-accreditation audits will be scheduled through Departmental Management with the goal of reviewing each laboratory every three years.