
Moodle Module on Academic Integrity

SAA has created a 5-part Academic Integrity course through Community Moodle.

The class begins with a pre-test, designed to score how well a student understands LSU’s academic expectations and applies them to decision-making in completing academic assignments.  Next, the student navigates 4 sections on academic integrity:

  • What is Academic Integrity?
  • Paraphrasing and Proper Citation
  • Unauthorized Materials and Copying
  • Collaboration and Following Course Requirements

Each section provides information, resources for later and requires that the student apply what they are learning in a series of activities. Activities include: matching terms from the LSU Code of Student Conduct to scenarios, watching videos about how academic dishonesty is interpreted and social media/app implications for academic assignments.

This class is available for you to use for each class you teach, however, students cannot complete the module more than once. Students may self-enroll in the course by using this link: . Once the course is complete, the student will be issued a completion certificate that instructors can have students upload to the course Moodle to mark this item complete. SAA recommends assigning this at the beginning of the semester to help equip students with information to avoid common academic violations.