
Syllabus Checklist

Introduce the LSU Commitment to Community

The Commitment to Community is LSU’s official honor statement. Students first hear about it during orientation and often through programming sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs. Reinforcing this statement in your class syllabus affirms what students have already heard- LSU has behavioral and academic standards and these standards are valued.

Promote Academic Integrity

Include a statement about academic integrity in your syllabus.  Place this statement at the beginning of the document and call students’ attention to this on the first day of class. 

Studies show that students value academic integrity more when they know that it is an important concept to the professor (Cole and Kiss 2000). Take time during one of your first classes to cover the value of ethical decision making and academic honesty.

Define Academic Misconduct

This is a different than promoting academic integrity. Explicitly state that you and LSU do not tolerate any instance of academic misconduct. Provide examples for students so that they have a stronger understanding of what misconduct looks like in your classroom.

State the Potential Consequences for Academic Misconduct

Explicitly communicate that students who violate the LSU Code of Student Conduct will be referred to Student Advocacy & Accountability. For undergraduate students, the outcome will range from failing the assignment to failing the class along with disciplinary probation. For graduate students, a first violation leads to deferred suspension for at least two semesters and a failing grade in the course.

Provide Useful Resources

Take time during your first class session and show students how to utilize the Microsoft Word References tool found within the Word program. You can also request that a member of the SAA team visit your class to give a brief 30 minute presentation on Academic Integrity. Require that your class completes our proactive Moodle Module on Academic Integrity (contact dossaa@lsu.edu to set your class up with access). This online module discusses LSU’s academic expectations, highlights common academic violations, and provides tips on how to avoid infractions. Remind students of campus resources that can assist with academic difficulties. These include the Center for Academic Success, academic counselors within their major department, and Supplemental Instruction.