Sample Syllabus Statements

General Statement on Academic Integrity

51 adopted the Commitment to Community in 1995 to set forth guidelines for student behavior both inside and outside of the classroom.  The Commitment to Community charges students to maintain high standards of academic and personal integrity.  All students are expected to read and be familiar with the LSU Code of Student Conduct and Commitment to Community, found online at lsu.edu/saa.  It is your responsibility as a student at LSU to know and understand the academic standards for our community. 

Students who are suspected of violating the Code of Conduct will be referred to the office of Student Advocacy & Accountability.  For undergraduate students, the outcome will range from failing the assignment to failing the class along with disciplinary probation. For graduate students, a first violation leads to deferred suspension for at least two semesters and a failing grade in the course.

Plagiarism and Citation Method

As a student at LSU, it is your responsibility to refrain from plagiarizing the academic property of another and to utilize appropriate citation method for all coursework.  In this class, it is recommended that you use ___________________________(please add the citation method appropriate for the course/subject matter here).  Ignorance of the citation method is not an excuse for academic misconduct.  Remember there is a difference between paraphrasing and quoting and how to properly cite each respectively.

One tool available to assist you in correct citations is the “References” function in Microsoft Word.  This program automatically formats the information you input according to the citation method you select for the document.  This program also has the ability to generate a reference or works cited page for your document. The version of Microsoft Word with the “References” function is available in most University computer labs. A demonstration of how to use this tool is available online at www.lsu.edu/saa.

Group Work and Unauthorized Assistance

All work must be completed without assistance unless explicit permission for group or partner work is given by the faculty member. This is critical so that the professor can assess your performance on each assignment. If a group/partner project is assigned, the student may still have individual work to complete. Read the syllabus and assignment directions carefully. You might have a project with group work and a follow up report that is independently written. When in doubt, e-mail the faulty member or ask during a class session. Seeking clarification is your responsibility as a student. Assuming group/partner work is okay without permission constitutes a violation of the LSU Code of Student Conduct.